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Community Update 89

The Metal Facemask IRL, cinematic videos, great builds, and more.

31 May 2016
Maybe we should ask GoriachieKluchi to help us balance Rust? After all, he's spent a good time physically making the items from the game in a manly fashion. He hits metal, he shapes leather, and the end results are incredible. He knows better than anyone just what it takes to make this stuff, and he has the burns to prove it. Take a look at his latest: the Metal Facemask. Thanks for showing us, wrenches! You also have the most appropriate forum name.
I mentioned last week that the Rusty Moose community has a dedicated server for Rust videographers. The JRCproduct took advantage of that and made an atmospheric horror short set in the island's tunnels. Stick till the end for bloopers. It amused me that you could easily frame every day Rust antics as a horror movie.
One of the Rusty Moose community's admins, Swemba, has been doing a lot of experimenting with Rust Raid Cams a lot lately. But this week he's watching the game from a different angle: here's a look of the action on a single day on a server, taken from the perspective of an RTS player. If that was at 60fps, I'd probably be crying with joy. Lovely stuff. Also, he's still below 1000 subs at Youtube? Dude deserves more!
1Vakarian1 described his bridge as Totally Useless over on reddit. It works as a bridge, and it's one of the most impressive builds I've seen in a while. I almost want to move in. I live here, now. It's mine.
That's not a criticism of the build you're about to see, but if the pre-made towns in Rust were 'Rad Towns', then a player's attempt at crafting one using in-game assets could be put in that category... oh, alright. I like the pun and needed to squeeze it in. The build is excellent: the RustyC Gaming Server's custom loot zone fashioned as a harbour. Natalie Dormer plays Rust? Notice me!
LeatherJacketMan dropped a chat logger on reddit that looks very helpful for server admins. I'd read the thread to ensure you know what you're installing--as it replaces the index.html-- but it's otherwise cool looking. Now I can see how many times people insult me when I'm not online :(
The Hidden is my favourite mod of allllll time, so I was keen to see how RCham managed to set it up using Rust. There are some severe limitations, with The Hidden not being invisible nor able to leap like an angry cat. Here's how they did it.
The hunter has black clothes armor, 3 syringes, 5 bandaids, a silenced custom smg, and a scoped silent bolty. The goal of the hunter is to eliminate all of the survivors. The survivors are armed with a bow, arrows, and 5 band aids. Their goal is to take out the hunter.
I think this might work better if we saw it from the non-Hunter perspective, but it was a fun clusterfuck nonetheless.
Keyworth24 on why you should use the Eoka pistol. He's such an awful liar. Don't use it.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or show off a game-mode from your server, or if your server has an interesting theme. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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