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Community Update 93

Print worthy fan art, handmade Rust items, a working casino, and much more.

28 June 2016
The header was made by Tatten for Phaedo82's Youtube channel. I thought about just saying that, as it's such a striking piece of art that there's nothing I felt I could add, but then I found myself writing about it anyway. This isn't Rust as it is, but an ideal version of a raid, which are Phaedo82's stock in trade. The people are perfectly captured, and if you scan the backdrop you can see the windmill and moving vehicles - future ideas not yet implemented. More recognisably, there's a heli whumping away over the hills, a naked dude with a rock wondering how he's going to get out from this situation, and the crumbling power-plant dungeon. And in the distance, where the sun sets, nakeds with spears fighting it out on the beach. Here's how the art came about. Speaking of Phaedo82, here's his latest look at A Day in Rust. I love just watching the game go about its business.
Thanks to Rust and GoryashchiyeKlyuchi, the world is now a slicier place. He's a video maker and craftsman who makes amazing game props by hand, and now he's spent some XP and resources to make the Salvaged Cleaver. His Rust playlist is the perfect place to plan for a post-Brexit world.
That is a better pun than anyone will ever realise. GoryashchiyeKlyuchi isn't the only person handcrafting Rust items IRL. Kalum Peach on Twitter seems to have a thing for Rust headgear. The bucket helmet is fine, but I'm not sure I like the idea of a fan wearing a candle on their head. Flames, hot wax and hair seem like a terrible combination. Shave your head for extra authenticity and less flammability.
As much as I love vanilla Rust, modded servers are amazing places as well. You think you know what Rust can do, you know that over the next hill will be bases and cannibalism and probably signs you wouldn't show your gran. Not on the UK Wasteland server, though. Over that hill there might be a working casino. Cheeze's Palace--in Rust Vegas--allows players to bet with wood, stones, cloth, and leather on the outcome of numbers and colours flashing across a sign. Have a look. I love that there resources still exist in the casino's bank, and that it's potentially raidable. Rust still pokes up through the cracks.
Swemba's turned his editing skills to Kaymind the Wanderer's PvP footage. The man is brutal. Tight!
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or show off a game-mode from your server, or if your server has an interesting theme. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.
RustRockTv has once again taken a classic rock song and made a video for it using Rust. He really likes gardening!


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