I've been spending a good wedge of my time looking at performance, figuring out why the game sometimes runs like shit. I think we've made some advancements here and hopefully everyone should see improved framerates.
Andre and Petur have done a lot of good making the trees more performant, but we still have big performance issues with them. This is particularly noticeable when in a forest, under the canopy.
Previous versions of Unity had a setting called "Max Mesh Trees". This limited the maximum amount of trees that were rendered properly, and the rest were rendered as billboards. This has huge performance benefits for everyone, and it allows us to scale much better. Unfortunately Unity 5 doesn't implement this (even though the setting is still there).
Unity Premium Support has suggested that it isn't really considered a bug, and there's currently no plans to re-implement it. They've suggested the best way to get it fixed would be to add our support to
this report from December 2013.
Shader Level
We've added a slider in the tweaks menu that turns the shader level down. This reduces the shader complexity, so if your graphics card is weaker it will use a simpler version of the shader. Turning this value down should improve framerates massively on lower spec computers.
Grass Detail
Remember when everyone was like "hey let us turn the grass off" and were like "why" and they were like "because it lags us out" and we were like "no it doesn't" and they were like "grrr" and we were like "there will never be an option to turn grass off". Well now we are like "lol, here's an option to turn the grass off".
Check this out: grass renders slow on shit computers, so we're testing stuff. There's a slider here that lets you turn grass detail down and off. This is temporary - we're testing how much difference this makes.
The likely outcome is that people will be able to turn grass detail down but not off, and when the detail is on its lowest it will probably obscure the ground even more than the grass does on higher detail - so it won't ever be an advantage to turn it down. We understand the fear here; don't worry, it's temporary, we're figuring shit out.
Exclusive Mode
Full screen mode in Windows is now exclusive mode again. We understand this has performance benefits for some configs.
I wanted to slip the guitar in as a quick secret and have people randomly discover it after we released the patch. But that didn't work. So what the hell is this guitar doing in Rust? Well a few days ago I noticed that our spear holding pose.

It got me thinking: 'I bet that could fit a guitar, too'. So I downloaded a guitar from the asset store and it did.

That's literally all there is to it. About 30 minutes downloading sounds and hooking it up and it's in game and playable. You can play different notes by changing your screen pitch and pressing left or right mouse button. We should probably have more 'useless' items like this. Craig spent too long making
stuff like
this with it.
While I was adding the guitar I added the camera, too. It was mainly a development tool, so we can take nice depth of field screenshots for the blog, but I restricted the amount of zoom on it and made it spawnable in game.
Left click takes a screenshot (via Steam), holding the right mouse button zooms in and out, holding the middle mouse button focus locks (otherwise it focuses on the centre of the screen).
Item Models
When you drop an item it can have a unique model. We have only set up a few items to do this so far, and a few of them are using placeholder models, but it's all set up and ready to go.
I implemented Vince's awesome barricade models. They should be working the same as in Legacy. We have three different types at the moment, and the ones with barbed-wire slow the player down more.
The Rest
- Fixed being able to loot players from a long distance (and when alive).
- Fixed network toggle exploits.
- Fixed instances where exceptions weren't being reported properly.
- Tweaked animal speeds.
- Fixed decals sticking around forever.
- Added admin teleport <name|steamid|nothing> (players only).
- Added admin teleportany <name|steamid|entityname|nothing> (any entity).
- Fixed chicken ragdoll using wolf colliders.
- Limited where signs can be placed (to prevent lemming bridges).
- Can place signs rotated.
- Fixed sleeping bag placement exploits.
- Fixed vitals sometimes not showing.
- Fixed items ejected from furnace/campfire/storagebox falling through the world.
- Fixed bleeding notification not showing.
- Fixed queued damage effects sometimes showing after respawn.
- Fixed decals on OSX rendering pink.