Optimized and improved 3rd person player animations
More sound mix tweaks
New fish caught sounds for traps
Decay states save and load on server restart
Decay uses less server memory
Building block decay timer correctly resets when fully repaired
Client load balancer pauses other work while network packets have to be processed
Repairing now requires all types of resources an object costs (instead of just one)
Plant skins use prefab pooling for performance
Plant server convars actually do what they claim to do
Wild corn and pumpkins always spawn next to rivers
Reduced driftwood decor object density
Dialed back tint randomization of wild hemp
Tightened valid cupboard placement angle
Powerline cables now cast shadows
Powerline cables are now affected by fog
Silencer durability increased
Silencer damage reduction slightly reduced
Can no longer codelock fish traps