Can now push minicopters
Vehicle textures now visibly degrade as a vehicle takes damage
Doors/gates can no longer close while blocked by a vehicle
EAC SDK update
All vehicles send out network ticks immediately after they have a new position on the server to reduce input lag
Default world size is now 4500
Side roads are slightly wider
Smoother road layout (both vertically and horizontally)
Smoother road joining (at intersections)
Moved roadside decor slightly further away from the road
Slight road terrain offset tweak to prevent ground peaking through around intersections
Fully encapsulated bandit town in a safe zone
Animals no longer attack players in safe zones
You can no longer draw a weapon in a safe zone
Players who are not considered hostile take no damage in safe zones (anti roof camper) and sleepers are automatically killed after 20 minutes inside a safe zone instead of needing an NPC to find them
Many more recyclers were added to the compound.
Slightly increased blocker, combiner, branch, memorycell and rand switch culling distance
Large banners now decay when placed outside of building privilege
Increased minicopter decay time outdoors to 8 hours, inside to 36 hours