Fixed being able to build close to Oil Rig/out in deep ocean
Fixed cooking objectives not appearing in a specific sequence when playing the tutorial
Fixed missing colliders on tutorial island
Fixed incorrect information on Tutorial tag tooltip in server browser
Fixed tutorial tag appearing incorrectly aligned in loading screen
Fixed some tutorial Island text not localizing correctly
Fixed tutorial achievements not unlocking correctly
Fixed some tutorial popup videos not appearing after the player dies during the tutorial
Tutorial island server performance improvements
Fixed opening inventory causing large lag spikes after opening large amount of vending machines
Fixed attachments being right clicked onto weapon instead of into backpack
Fixed clothing being worn instead of right clicked into backpack
Fixed items not being right clicked from backpack -> vending machine
Fixed full server demo error when running with `-nonetworkthread`
Fixed backpack UI being stuck on screen after opening & closing backpack
Fixed a particular water pump IO configuration that could degrade server performance
Fixed electrical deployables being offset when placed
Fixed AND, & OR gates draining batteries on both sides instead of only the side with the highest power input
Fixed memory cell draining battery on both sides instead of from the active output
Fixed electrical branch draining power when nothing is connected to its branch out side
Fixed unpowered components draining batteries, much more common now that branches do not waste power anymore
Fixed auxiliary inputs/outputs draining power unnecessarily
Fixed memory cell draining battery on both sides instead of from the active output
Fixed memory cell power passthrough being shown on both outputs instead of on the active one
Fixed counter power passing power through when under their target value
Fixed a bunch of naming inconsistencies across IO entity handles (e.g 'Power' instead of 'Power In')
Fixed wire tool not clearing active wire when right clicking
Reduced the slight delay in showing UI passthrough value when looking at an IO entity
Fixed timer time not editable until powered
Fixed pressure pads blocking power passthrough for a bit when triggered
Fixed industrial combiner deployable on self
Fixed button deployable on the side of other components
Fixed electrical flasher light and siren light having no emission when on
Fixed industrial conveyors aux outputs passing power even when they have 0 energy left
Fixed industrial crafter not draining any power (now drains 1 when ON and 0 when OFF)
Fixed switch and smart switch green/red lights feedbacks
Fixed ceiling lights being powerable using only 1 power instead of 2
Fixed storage monitor missing deploy guide
Fixed workbench tier 2 oversized spraycan prop collider preventing shooting through open gap
Fixed stacking small sign exploit
Fixed microphone stand typo
Fixed weapon racks being able to be deployed underwater
Fixed patrol helicopter not exploding when hitting the water
Fixed patrol helicopter getting locked in an orbit around a non existent target
Fixed patrol helicopter staying on the map when it's being told to retire
Fixed elevator doors in Launch Site getting duplicated every time a server rebooted