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  • T1 Handmade SMG
  • T3 SKS
  • Gesture Pack
  • Added Gesture Wheel customisation
  • Replaced old cliffs and rocks in monuments with the new ones
  • Improved wolf AI
  • Copy Paste


  • Improved radio frequency IO items server performance
  • Vending machines with custom names now appear in the F1 UGC admin panel
  • Implemented PR #61 in CUI - Steam avatar support (thanks rostov114)
  • Added NPC vendors to all Water Well variants
  • Player in-game voice chat and music can now be heard over CCTV feeds
  • Player SteamId can now be copied in the F7 report menu
  • Changed outfit of military tunnel scientists to the NVG outfit
  • Monument cctv cameras will now be disabled for 5 minutes after taking damage
  • IO ports will now show arrows for the inputs & outputs
  • You can now surrender whilst ducking
  • Admins can now hold left Alt to use an orbit camera when in third persion view.
  • Teleportpos admin command now has more consistent behaviour.
  • Buoyant objects now properly follow the flow of water on rivers and near the shoreline.
  • Reworked Large Backpack model to allow for easier workshop skinning
  • Reworked Flashlights & Miner Hat, and fixed the inconsistent light output for wearer vs others.
  • Added small rock formations that spawn around hill cliffs.


  • Fixed halloween candies spawning inside cliffs
  • Fixed halloween hunt chat score announcement typo
  • Fixed CCTV camera being used to see through geometry - we now show interferences when the camera eyes are clipping
  • Fixed binoculars screen overlay being affected by the UI scale setting
  • Fixed an error when multiple people are talking to an NPC and one player accepts a mission
  • Fixed not being able to place elevators too close to rocks or ice
  • Ensured a player dies if they manage to clip into the bottom of Cargoship
  • 'npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship' command now works as it should
  • Fixed divesites despawning and taking loot with it even if a player was nearby
  • Fixed patrol helicopter crashing at bunker entrances
  • Fixed an NRE that occurred on the server in Travelling Vendor::IgnorePlayer
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawning on top of stuff inside Radtown
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawn sequence not trying multiple spawn locations should the first one fail
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawn location being guessable
  • Fixed divesite buoys being able to spawn on top of a player
  • Fixed issues with Bradley when moving through Radtown
  • Fixed server NRE occurring in patrol helicopters orbit strafe
  • Fixed quarry appearing to be turned off when 100m+ away
  • Fixed computer station input field losing focus after entering each camera
  • Fixed water jug dumping on ground if leaving water while filling
  • Fixed crafting queue showing '0s left' when re-ordering crafting queue
  • Fixed radiation protection showing at 10 when it was only 9 for certain clothing combinations
  • Fixed planters not receiving rain water between the hours of 8pm and 10am
  • Optimized HBHF sensor server performance
  • Fixed various conditions where players would get stuck inside of objects
  • Fixed various cloth-related issues with the Dracula Cape
  • Fixed hand model clipping through gloves on many of the glove types
  • Fixed holes behind coastal cliffs appearing on some seeds
  • Fixed incorrect Rad tea dropping in Water Well food caches


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