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Community Update 261

Creator Collab Deskpads, Skin Contests, Global Warfare, Art, & more!

24 June 2024
Community Support
United States
We're back with some amazing EpicDesk creator collabs for giant mousepads!




To order check out their website as each of these deskpad campaigns have different end dates and shipping dates! They are ALL limited editions.  Once they end they are gone forever!
Coming Late July FancyOrb is bringing you Rust Global Warfare 2!

You won't want to miss this!  There will be Twitch drops and all your favorite creators involved.
If you're a creator and you want to be involved with this event join the FancyOrb Discord for updates and how to sign up!
Charitable Rust isn't until October, however, if you are a skin artist and would like to be involved with designing charity items for the Item store or Twitch Drops - pay attention over the next few weeks!
Skin contest is slated to take place for the entire month of July!

Contest Rules

  • Use #CR2024 as official contest tag in Steam workshop.
  • No re-uploading old or previously submitted skins.
  • Do not steal or use any copyrighted or otherwise trademarked content.
  • Must be 100% original work (can work with others if all are listed on workshop page).
  • Must follow all basic workshop submission rules and standards.
  • If using the charity’s logo, it cannot be used on any weapon skins. Only Charitable Rust logo may be used on weapon skins.
  • Submissions must be high quality and Hi-Res, normals properly done/baked.
  • Cannot contain offensive or sexual content.
  • Limit of 5 skin submissions per creator.
  • Skins must be submitted by midnight (23:59) PST July 31, 2024.

More info, rules, regulations, and branding assets can be found here:
Hedge, Monstera, daVinci, and a few others from the Art community made this googley-eyed glory shrine of our savior Helkus Maximus.

It's probably best if we don't ask too many questions.
I'm just going to leave this here...
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on X or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover image by Furthi


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