Ahoy there! We be addin' a hukin' seaworthy tugboat to maps that feature yon harbor monument. A one or two o' 'em may appear 'round each port.
On the whole she behaves much akin to the ol' rowboat or yer trusty RHIB. Stride up to the wheel, ye can slosh in some low-grade fuel, set the great engine afire, and whisk her away into the vast blue yonder.
What sets this sea dog apart, is ye can stake yer claim at the helm,
just like ye'd seize a Tool Cupboard in a fortress o' wood and stone. Once ye've done that, ye'll be havin' the freedom to install doors into doorways and deploy items on th' boat 'erself.
She don't support every little thing yet - ye can't be fiddling with
electrical components for example - but there's enough to make 'er
useful as a floatin' fortress on the briny deep.
In terms of attackin', tugboat doors can be breached as ye'd expect, and the vessel itself can be damaged, and mended wit' a hammer's touch. If destroyed, she'll descend to Davy Jones' Locker, takin' all aboard down with her. Any claims to the vessel be washed away when she takes her final dive, leavin' room for any scallywag to salvage what remains.
Give her a tick more, and she'll eventually shatter, leavin' nought but
memories, clearin' the way for a new sea dog to take her place back at
the harbor.