Look at that! The beginnings of a graphical overhaul. Also, XP system details, anti-hack changes, menu rework, and more. We're upgrading servers with this patch, so there will be some extended downtime. We'll <a href="https://twitter.com/playrust">tweet</a> when that's all resolved.
0.5(action split) + 0.5(tool split) * 0.8 (tool ownership amount) = 0.90xpGarry would earn 0.1 XP. Where it gets really interesting is when we start applying ownership to resources based on the tool used. If Andre harvests resources with this tool and hands them over to someone else, who then crafts a tool and harvests more resources, Andre would receive a small cut of XP, and so on and so forth. Everyone along the way up the chain is going to get a (small) piece of the action. The more you help, the more you earn. There have been some concerns voiced on reddit by the lone walves about a team of 10 people all working to prop up one player, who can then level up quickly and produce items for everyone. I don’t really think this is as big of an issue as some are making it out to be, but we will be watching closely in case it somehow gets out of control. As I said, this feature is largely complete aside from balance, testing for exploits (please share potential ones!), and bugs. I’m going to merge it into prerelease sometime in the morning so I can be around for to fix anything game breaking. It’s barebones but functional right now, and I’ll be expanding upon it as we go. I hope to do things like have it so when you cook food you become the owner (split with the campfire deployer) and when someone eats the food the food owners will get some XP. Or if people use your repair bench you’ll earn XP, as will the resource provider, and the person doing the repairing will be added as a partial owner of the item they repaired, etc. The possibilities are endless! Of course this all might end up being a load of shit and we’ll have to remove it, but, hey, nothing ventured nothing gained. Right?