We're considering removing support for a couple of things in the near future.
Windows 32
We don't build/ship 32 bit versions of OSX or Linux. We probably shouldn't be shipping 32 bit versions for Windows either. The obvious motivating factor is that over 99% of our Windows users are on 64 bit. Here's some stats from a single day this week:

It sucks that we might possibly leave that < 1% of people in the dark, unable to play Rust until they upgrade to a 64bit OS, but the minimum specs for Rust have shown 64 bit since before we switched over to experimental.
Anyway, we haven't done any of this yet, but consider this advice: upgrade to Windows 64. Please.
DirectX 9
DirectX 9 is nearly 10 years old.
Unity is going to stop supporting it completely soon, so it's probably about time we did too. Life would be great if we just shipped Vulkan only on all plaforms, but I don't think Unity are there yet. This will remove support for Windows XP. Here's some stats from a single day this week:

This is something we're considering just to make our lives easier, really. If you have a good reason we shouldn't do this yet then get in touch and let us know.