Player Movement Fixes
I took a good look at the player movement this week. There was a noticeable delay when melee fighting other players, as they swung and attacked at where you were about half a second ago. This was making melee fights pretty shitty. What we were doing was updating the player position, which marked the position as changed, then the queue pushed the position out every 100ms. This doesn't mean the player position was always 100ms behind, because their position probably updated again closer to the push-out time, But the position update message was set to a normal priority, which means they were buffered for up to 20ms before they're pushed out.
Now we push entity positions out as soon as they're updated. This sacrifices bandwidth for responsiveness. The updates are sent as immediate priority, which means they get sent straight away with no buffering or delay.
But then it became obvious there was another problem: the tick that players were sending to the server was also buffered. So now that's sent immediately too. And then another problem appeared: the increased update rate revealed a bug in the lerp system, which made the player movement all jumpy. So I spent some time and got that all smooth.
These changes are already on the live branch.
Tweaks Menu
The F2 tweaks menu has been redesigned slightly and has a bunch of new options. You should definitely try the new AF option that Diogo added, that is really going to boost your framerate. Read his section for some suggestions.
Crafting UI
The crafting system has a new way of working, which is long long overdue. This has been on my todo list for a while.
Now you select a blueprint by clicking on it, and it will show you the blueprint box, which has information on the item you're looking at, along with the resources needed. It also shows the amount of the item you get from a craft, the time it takes, and the amount of each ingredient you currently have.

You can use the + and - buttons to change the quantity. The > button sets the quantity to the maximum you can create. You can also type the quantity in manually.
The crafting queue is now at the bottom. The currently crafting item is green. You can cancel items with the cross, and scroll through the list horizontally by dragging.

It also shows a notice on your HUD, so you can see how long is left on your craft without having to keep opening the inventory menu.
Miner's Hat
Xavier finished the miner's helmet this week, so I put it in the game. Our first non-yellow light! Yay!
Pie Menu Upgrades
The pie menu now tells you how much stuff costs. The second number in the brackets is how much of that resource you currently have.

Which is particularly useful when you're wondering why your lock won't let you make a key.

The menu also uses Rust colours now. I know some people found the blue and white out of place.
Automatic Transmit Voice
The input category in F2 now has an option to turn Push To Talk off. This means that instead of holding down V to talk to someone, you should in theory just be able to talk. Whatever you say will come out of your head in game, like playing on a console.

If the sensitivity is wrong you can edit
these settings in Steam (because it's using the settings from Steam).
Everything Else
- Turn off nametags option available in Tweaks menu.
- Added map search to server browser.
- Fixed some viewmodels casting shadows.
- Campfire damage makes noise, draws blood.
- Added missing eat/study icons.
- Made furnace quieter.
- Fixed inventory.giveall not giving properly.
- Fixed some shaders not casting shadows.
- Fixed map not accepting mouse input.
Next Week
All the usual bug fixes, optimizations, balancing. Plus I've got lots on my list that I don't want to get anyone's hopes up with by promising.