It was great to see the response to the Industrial Update last
month, particularly the bases filled to the brim with
pipes! As well as some general bug fixes and performance improvements,
we’ve made some QOL improvements this month to help with some of the
more common complaints. As always we’ll be improving this further in the
future so please keep the feedback coming.
New filtering options
is now a new option when modifying filters to allow more advanced
controls. You can now change a filter to require ANY of the listed
items, ALL of the listed items, or NONE of the listed items. The default
is Any, which is the behaviour from last month.
have also been some changes to the number-based filters, there are now 3
different number fields you can modify per item: Min, Max and Buffer.
- Maximum
is unchanged from last month, it will stop moving items if there is
greater than the amount provided in the output container.
Minimum will now only move if you have greater than the supplied amount of items in the input container. For example, if you set minimum to 40 wood and you have 50 wood in the container, 10 will be moved.
Buffer is the old minimum behaviour, and will only move items in predetermined buffer sizes. For example, if you set Buffer to 40 wood and you have 50 wood in the container, 40 will be moved. This is helpful when supplying the Industrial Crafter with items required for crafting.
Maximum and Buffer are only available when using “Any” and “All” filter
modes, these options are not available when using the “None” filter
To help understand buffer transfers there is also a new UI that shows any transfers in process.

Placement improvements
The minimum distance between pipe points is now dramatically smaller, allowing for neater pipe placement around corners. There’s a new colour available (green) and “soloing” a connection by pressing RMB while looking at a plug will now keep the connection highlighted even if mousing over other entities. You can also now hold SHIFT when placing a pipe to make it collide with deployable entities, this can help run pipes around boxes and other objects in a more natural-looking way.
Crafter Improvements
Industrial Crafter now has 4 blueprint slots, allowing you to craft
multiple items without having to connect conveyors to the blueprint
slots (although those connections are still possible). When a crafter is
deciding what to craft, it will look left to right and craft the first
blueprint it has the required ingredients for.
Network Size Limits
maximum size and depth of Industrial networks have been increased to 32
(from 16). This should allow more complex networks without having to
resort to inserting extra containers. Along with this, the behaviour of
some item movement logic has changed: daisy-chained boxes will now be
filled in order rather than items being split up between them (the
splitter will still split stacks though).