We've added a rudimentary team system. This means you can create teams and invite other players to them. This will yield the ability for all team members to differentiate each other at long distances, as well as see each other on the map. You can also see if someone is online or dead. It's pretty straightforward:
To create a team, press tab and click the "Create Team" button. To invite another player, walk up to them and press E.

To kick a player out, you must be team leader (checkmark): hover over them in the tab menu and press "Kick". To promote another player to leader (if you're logging off,) hold "E" on a team member for 3 seconds. To leave a team, press the "Leave Team" button in the tab menu.

Teams have a default max size of 8 and any server can disable the team system entirely with the startup command maxteamsize 0.
The decision to add this to the game has been very controversial, with some players saying it will ruin the game, and others welcoming it with open arms. Here's where we stand:
The only way to play together as a team effectively is to use third-party voice software and ask players to jump to identify who they are. This is unacceptable. Sure, this added a meta where people got really good at jump-checking, which gave them an advantage over other players, but let’s be honest: it's stupid.
You could also get skins and have matching uniforms, but even that was extremely difficult to manage, and it only worked for the most decked-out of players who weren't running with patchwork items, and it didn't work if someone had skins disabled.
It's worse if you just meet an ally and want to roll together and then encounter another group of players. There's no way to differentiate who's who and the game breaks down into chao. Or worse yet, you have to hesitate before firing which results in you dying, losing all your shit, and rage-quitting the game.
At the end of the day, with the team system I feel we gain more than we lose, and we can tweak and modify it as time goes on. Worst-case scenario is that it sucks so bad that we have to remove it; best-case scenario is it makes the game better. Either way, no harm is done.
I hope you guys enjoy this system, and as much as I hate reading through the abuse and spam, I will be checking for the few nuggets of constructive criticism over the next few weeks.
Have fun guys.