Lots of people have been complaining about the Heavy Armor and how it protects too much. I disagree, but only because I know how it really should behave and the fact of the matter is it was only half implemented. I’ve taken some steps to bring it more inline with its original concept. First thing you’ll notice is that if you wear the helmet your view will be seriously impaired:

Second thing you’ll notice is that if you wear the jacket you will not be able to aim down the sight thanks to how bulky it is. This means you’ll have to get good at hip-firing, use the lasersight, or rely on shotguns/flamethrowers etc.
Lastly, wearing either the jacket or the leggings fully reduces your movement speed to that of the full set rather than each piece providing a small reduction.
Lets see how this plays out. It may be too much, in which case I’d like to increase the protection even further. Or it may not be enough, in which case I’d like to add some more nerfs like being unable to swim. I still have some work to do with the view occlusion, I’d like to to eventually be a mesh and bounce up and down as you walk, and it probably occludes super widescreen multi-monitor setups too much. More on this next week.