I'm continuing on with the changes to the skin textures I made last week, and I've all but finished up the male body textures. Apart from just looking generally a bit nicer (hopefully!) I've added a separate texture set for dark skin variants. The skin shader works by multiplying your skin colour over a pre-defined coloured texture, which works well in theory, but breaks down a little in practice. The reason this sometimes looks a little odd is twofold. Firstly, the colour variation across your skin changes depending on your skin colour. Secondly, it's impossible to lighten something by multiplying it by another RGB colour.
The result of this was basically very flat skin tones, and unfortunately the darker skin tones suffered from being difficult to balance, often coming becoming too red. This should fix that issue, and make the lighter skin tones look better at the same time. Check out a comparison between the two default light and dark skin tones below.

I've also ported over the texturing and remodelling of the viewmodel hands, as well as rebaking a slightly more realistic normal map. I've added some loops to the chest area that I've noticed weren't holding up too well during deformation. I'm aiming to get the texture changes in when the viewmodel gets updated, so that the skin changes are consistent across the whole game.