This update introduces submarines to Rust.

You can now buy a submarine from the boat shops at fishing villages.
The two-person submarine seats up to two, with internal fuel access and an instrument cluster including rudimentary sonar. Look around behind you and you'll see interaction UI to swap seats.

The one-person submarine seats one, with external fuel access and no instruments.

Both submarines have torpedo tubes which can fire two torpedo types:
- Direct torpedoes fire straight ahead.
- Surface torpedoes rise to the surface and then speed along the top of the water.
You can buy torpedoes from a fishing village vendor, or craft them yourself.
movement keys for forward/back/left/right.
Sprint button to rise towards the surface.
Crouch button to dive deeper.
Look down when in the cockpit to load torpedoes. Fire when in water with the usual shoot button (
left mouse button by default).
Enter underwater bases at moon pool locations, which show up on sonar in the duo sub as red dots. If you're in the solo sub, look for the lights being cast down below moon pool modules.
Submarines have the same decay style as rowboats and the RHIB. For the first 45 minutes of being unused, they won't decay. Then they'll start to lose health: They'll last another 240 minutes if left unused outside, or 180 minutes if in deep water. If they're indoors and NOT in deep water, they won't ever decay at all.