A common complaint we have been hearing for a very long time as the over-use and abuse of turrets. To combat this we've added "Turret Interference" Basically this means that only a certain amount of turrets (sentry.maxinterference) can be active in any particular area ( sentry.interferenceradius). Subsequently-activated turrets will emit a blue electrical glow and fail to acquire any targets.

There is no hard limit on the number of turrets you can deploy, only a limit on the number of turrets to be activated at any one time within 40m. For example, you may choose to enable 12 of your outdoor turrets but keep your indoor turrets disabled or you can set up smart circuits to detect players and power up turrets when needed.
You're still able to remote control disabled turrets with the computer station.
Hopefully this addresses some of the concerns we've been hearing
regarding this issue, and we plan to iterate and improve, we'll be watching the feedback.