Slightly increased mp5 damage
Increased mp5 accuracy while bursting
Thompson has increased center-hit probability
Custom smg has increased center-hit probability
Tool Cupboard now shows upkeep costs and tool slots on the same page
Tool Cupboard now has an extra tool slot
Added debug.repeatcommand convar, repeats the last command entered into the console
The debug console history will no longer add duplicate consecutive entries
Can now toggle vending machines on and off in the map
Vehicle dismount hold time option has now been modified to allow individual dismount hold times for Ground, Aquatic and Air Vehicles as well as Horses
Getting killed via a homing missile while in a helicopter will now list the missile and player responsible on the death screen instead of just the helicopter
The parachute now checks that there is vehicle free space above it when deploying, prevents parachutes deploying and clipping into helicopters causing erratic behaviour
The Minicopter and Scrap helicopter have had some new sounds added to bring them in line with the newer vehicles, including unique explosion sounds
Expanded workbench source area, able to stand slightly further away and craft
Reduced water pump preventbuilding volume
Small battery output, capacity
Water catchers now fill much faster when raining, even faster in stormy weather
Bad weather probability increased, higher chance of rain, storms and fog
Increased quarry no build radius
More loot in launch site main building of launch site
Moved light switches of LS main building to second set of entrance doors, players will now always pass one
Homing missile crafting cost reduced
Homing missiles now stack to 4