Updated to Unity 5.6
Updated EAC
Polished water lapping sound
Polished distant gunshots
Improved localized voice limiting
New sounds for the spinner wheel
AI doesn't walk through walls
AI sleeps
Updated flesh bullet impact effects
AI populations are controlled by console variables
AI eats corpses
AI eats dropped items
AI reacts to gun shots
AI corpses drop gibs when destroyed (temporary effect)
Updated damage effects hud
Options screen dropdowns are now side selectors
Normalized tree sizes
Websocket Rcon is default mode
Optimized steam avatar cache lookup
Deers give deer meat (instead of chicken)
Optimized transform updates when recycling sounds and effects
Optimized light intensity and color flickering effects
Optimized invoke handler (list overhead, cache hits, hashing)
Optimized position lerp and player model lists
Eliminated input lag (especially for firearms)
Large Furnace has bigger foundation, stays upright & can be placed on slopes