Unity 2018.3.3
EAC SDK update
Clear Log.EAC.txt on server start
Send delta snapshots instead of full snapshots when spawning (faster respawn)
Optimized memory allocations when applying skins to items on the client
Optimized rigidbodies on various entities on the client
Optimized memory allocations when building blocks are spawned on the client
Optimized client and server relating to buoyancy performance
Enabled entity pooling on ceiling lights on the client
Enabled multibox pruning broadphase (client and server physics performance)
Disabled rigidbody interpolation on HAB and CH47 (server physics performance)
Strip various client only components from the server (server memory usage)
Military Tunnels exit route balance
Enabled Fullscreen Exclusive by default
Optimized GunTrap/Autoturret/FlameTurret CPU usage
Increased SAM Site Lethality
Added 'Toggle' input to Memory cell