Rust Marque Logo


  • Upgraded to Unity 2019.1.4f1
  • Enabled incremental GC and integrated it with the custom GC logic
  • Server Browser shows wipe times
  • Can order server list by wipe time
  • Added in game item store
  • Show when friends are on servers
  • Main menu has background videos
  • Sleeping bag list now scrolls
  • Players automatically climb over small steps
  • Added Horseback Riding 1.0


  • Optimized skin unloading
  • Enabled skin unloading on low end hardware by default again
  • UI loads faster
  • Fixed animations sometimes not being disabled
  • Optimized occlusion texture memory usage
  • Optimized input button updates
  • Optimized chat UI
  • Optimized physics timing values
  • Optimized child entity networking when parented to entities with global broadcast (cargo ship)
  • Optimized server browser
  • Optimized font memory usage
  • Optimized light LOD processing
  • Added more localization
  • Shader usage optimizations
  • Improved CJK font rendering
  • Added invisible_collider, prevent_movment_volume and gas station prefabs for map makers
  • Hapis Island map optimizations
  • Weapon VFX optimizations
  • Weapon visual improvements
  • Scope no longer scales with UI Scale
  • Water jug spawns with less water
  • Puzzle reset bugs fixed (can no longer camp and wait for a respawn)
  • Nerfed oil rig loot
  • Flashlights cast additional light in first person illuminating an area beyond just the light cone
  • Lowered all research costs


  • Fixed skin unloading texture and material corruption issues
  • Fixed light from the outside bleeding into building reflection probes at doorways
  • Fixed projectile LOS exploit that was abusing the player bounds forgiveness
  • Fixed server side player fall through floor exploit
  • Fixed IK on world space particle systems (flame thrower)
  • Fixed not all servers getting listed
  • Fixed crafting queue UI not getting reset after reconnect
  • Fixed renderinfo command
  • Fixed players parenting on the outside of Hot air balloon
  • Fixed players falling out of the falling out of Hot air balloon
  • Fixed a bunch of item typos
  • Fixed projectiles being rejected when shot through Oilrig stairs
  • Fixed players clipping through Oilrig dock
  • Fixed SetDestination errors
  • Fixed Launch site office building spawning too many barrels
  • Fixed Watchtowers being placed under the terrain
  • Fixed Rustige Egg base protection
  • Fixed Water Junkpiles despawning with players nearby
  • Fixed Muzzle flashes animating at low FPS in the distance
  • Fixed Scope jittering all over the place when on a vehicle or the cargo ship
  • Fixed viewmodels lagging behind when on a vehicle or the cargo ship
  • Fixed not being able to pick up Water Barrel
  • Fixed animals not playing dynamic footsteps based on their surface type
  • Fixed powerline poles having lights when they shouldn't
  • Fixed terrain drawing white, or undefined, at distance on shader levels 101 to 199


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