Fixed lag caused by new Steam friends integration when player has lots of friends
Fixed windmill using the height of the terrain underneath it when calculating power even if deployed on an iceberg or rock
Fixed horses levitating after ragdolling
Fixed horses ragdolling multiple times from a single impact
Fixed Battering Ram taking collision damage from very small collisions
Fixed being able to deploy siege weapons under train carriages
Fixed an exploit allowing players to bypass Launch Site puzzle with some vehicles
Fixed broken shields not being repairable
Fixed trains not destroying barriers
Fixed a case where shooting at a player after they were ragdolled could result in invalids
Fixed mini crossbow iron sight not being perfectly centered
Fixed player being stuck moving slowly if they were pulling a siege weapon while the server restarted
Fixed items that are banned from a server due to game mode (Primitive) appearing in Rust+ shops
Fixed tea effects not expiring if they were active during a server restart
Fixed Door Controller and Industrial Conveyor side inputs adding active usage to batteries
Fixed Siren Light culling too early
Fixed horse Dung culling too early
Fixed culled lights occasionally flickering on and off at a distance
Fixed Electric Heater lights staying on when unpowered
Fixed camera and player spinning when entering/exiting a parenting volume in demos
Fixed camera error in third person in demos
Fixed edge case error in Rock Paper Scissors if a player cancels at the same time as another player joins
‘Takehiresscreenshot’ command now works if TSSAA is active
Fixed incorrect green laser light translation key
Fixed horse heads rotating strangely after alt tabbing/limiting frame rate
Fixed physics issue with horses attached to siege weapons
Fixed viewmodel error when previewing a weapon in the Workshop submit scene
Fixed ‘ClearInventory’ and ‘RefillVitals’ commands not working properly when bound to a key
Fixed getting messages from users who share Steam groups but are not friends appearing in-game
Fixed demo button appearing in the Main menu if the player has no demos locally
Fixed teammates getting horse control tips if a team member mounts a horse
Fixed RF receiver visually appearing activated when it wasn’t
Moved the RF broadcaster reserved frequency error to a localized toast
Fixed incorrect description of Set Target option of IO Counter
Grenades now show their throw animation when first person spectating
Resolved ‘Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh’ and endless recursion AI errors
Fixed wolves sometimes appearing as sliding when they come into range
Fixed memory leak in RCON and Rust+ server websocket system
Fixed ballista sometimes not mountable on uneven terrain
Fixed kickall command using the second argument instead of the first for the kick reason
Fixed some issues with the Arabic font causing some texts to disappear
Fixed bullet impact effects scale
Fixed an IO wires parenting issue with garage doors, causing them to point towards the world origin
Fixed many item icons appearing pixelated when playing at high resolutions
Fixed junkpiles despawning earlier than expected when loot is taken
Fixed trains not colliding with barricades
Fixed F1 console not showing if a command was clientside or serverside
Fixed signs not saving last color when entering paint mode
Fixed camper bed map icon not disappearing right away when unclaimed
Fixed siege weapons floating at terrain holes
Fixed another issue causing inflated vending stats