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Community Update 252

Creator Program, parodies, tattoos, solo events, remixes, and more!

27 May 2023
Community Support
United States
Earlier this week we launched our Facepunch Creator Program in efforts to collab with our creators more.

This program is a work in progress and mostly lives in a special private discord where we can all bounce ideas off each other and work together.

Currently applications are only open for Rust but we will explore options for some of our other titles in the future.

For more information on eligibility and the application process you can check out our creators site!
This parody by LamSlide is for all you Simon & Garfunkel enjoyers!

It will also get stuck in your head.

We absolutely love our dedicated players.  Where your loyalty is measured in hours played.

LemonadeNS has taken his dedication to a whole new level! This tattoo is wonderfully done!

If you like fishing, music, fireworks, parties, and fun you will very much like this next video!

Solutize and friends made this incredible Fishing Village Music Remix and had a giant dance party with it.
On May 31st xGuiry & RustSpain are bringing you an "end of wipe" solo only community event!
The event is to last 4 hours
  • 300 Max Players
  • No Teaming - Solo Only
  • BP's unlocked
  • Instant Crafting
  • Tier Phases

Registration starts today (Saturday the 27th) if you'd like to participate! They will announce more info on their socials.

Event statistics will be posted at
Took us a minute to catch wind of this one so it's a little older but the concept is great!

eKostiK made a laser motion sensor to project player movement onto a TV!

A+ for lack of rocket ships.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.


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