Our player animation rig was dumb, and every time we added to it we made it worse. We've been putting it off for a long time, but this week I aimed to simplify it.

The major issue is that for every hold type in the engine (rock, hatchet, rifle etc), we had a set of accompanying walk/crouchwalk/jump animations to go along with the player. This probably makes sense from an artist's point of view, because you want the player to look like they're carrying something heavy when they're carrying a rocket launcher, and that should affect the whole body.
This is bullshit though, because even though that capability was there it wasn't being used. Plus, it's more important for players to be aiming right at where the player is aiming, so you know if you're going to get shot. That isn't something that was happening in this rig when players were jumping, or walking at an angle. Gameplay has to take precedence here.
Even though most of this work has been done on the internals, there are some changes you'll see as an end user.
- Player model upper body always aims where player is looking
- Can see when players are ironsighted/hipfiring
This change should allow us to add player animations more easily in the future, so it's all done when we want to be doing gestures, or make the player actual strum the guitar, or make their hands actually hold the weapon instead of half clipping through it.
This was a big change, so we have some known issues that will get fixed next week:
- Some one-handed hold animations look dumb when running
- Some hold animations are facing the slightly the wrong way (spear etc)
- No ladder climb animation yet