As mentioned by André, we have changed how procgen works so that the 'better' radtowns spawn further away from the start zone. These radtowns are better because they either more of, or a higher probability of, better loot crates. The first pass is complete, but this will definately need more tweaking as time goes on.
One thing you'll notice a new Basic Crate found at gas stations and supermarkets. This crate contains at least one workbench tier 1 item, with a chance to spawn two.

Forgive the art, we are currently in the process of concepting and producing a real version.

I've also compeltely overhauled how loot is calculated for crates, so you're going to find more overall.
We used to have it set up so there was a high percentage for mediocre stuff and a low percentage for good stuff. So let's say you'd open a crate and get some pipes, but every once in a while you'd find a gun. The new version will always spawn a mediocre item, but it will have a chance to spawn a better item
as well.
In terms of rad town crates, this means you can always expect a decent component and everything else is just a bonus on top.
This really shows in the airdrop, which is currently set to always drop at least two weapons and two pieces of armor and the rest is random. No more 8 riot helmets or rotten apples only.
P.s. This is the reason why we aren't doing a BP wipe. We're going to be screwing around with this stuff and would prefer to wipe it only when we think it is in a good state and not prone to constant weekly changes.