Helicopter 2.0
Wow! You guys rekt that thing. I watched many encounters of the heli being completely owned without taking a single life. Turns out there was a bug making it super easy to be taken down. The chopper had 100% penetration values set, this means any bullets would go right through it like a laser beam damaging every hitbox inside it, so you could simply shoot from under it and the main rotor and engine would be destroyed! This is now fixed. Even that isn’t enough, though. So I’ve made the following balance changes and fixes
- Door guns fire slightly faster.
- Door guns do slightly more damage.
- Larger gap between door gun bursts.
- 2.5x health for the tail rotor and engine.
- Smoke on the weakspots appear when they are at 50% health instead of after one shot.
- You can no longer use tool cupboards to prevent rocket strafes.
- Loot crates are actually unlootable until their flames go out.
Also, this :

Some clever players figured out they could constantly circle around a piece of cover indefinitely and solo the helicopter. Welp that’s over. Now when you deal a significant chunk of damage to the helicopter it’ll blanket the area the damage came from in napalm, forcing you to move. I hope this makes it so it takes several players in multiple positions to take out the helicopter.
Another change I made was the ability to harvest the helicopter gibs! They’ll provide you with some metal fragments and high quality metal, but be careful they’re hot! You should wait about 8 minutes before attempting to harvest them.
Bow Changes
Everyone in reddit is all up in arms about the bow changes I introduced (without trying them I might add) so let me fill you all in on what I changed and why:
- Bow repeat rate is slightly slower.
- Bow has a little more aim sway.
- Headshots with the bow score 120% damage instead of 300% damage.
- Crossbow fires arrows with a much faster velocity (50% bonus instead of 20%).
- HV arrows are ‘thinner’ vs wood arrows (need to be more accurate with them).
I did these changes because the bow had some of the highest DPS in the game, was the easiest weapon to obtain, and you could one shot a fully armed player with it. This was wrong. And, believe it or not, Rust is not ruined because of this change. Some people said their go to strategy was hunting fully geared players with a bow. Well you can still do that, you just have to hit them twice instead of once, so if you’re good it shouldn’t be a problem. And if that’s too hard for you then I guess you were getting lucky, which is exactly why I made these changes. It’s still just as deadly in every other way, and will take out a naked with one shot center mass.
Small Stash
I’ve added this back into the game. It’s a very small storage container for early players who can’t yet build a base, but still want to keep their stuff safe. It’s a default blueprint too! Place it on terrain and put your stuff in it. There is a menu option to bury it. Once buried, it is completely invisible to everyone (including you) it’s only revealed if someone is within 2 meters of it and looks directly at it for several seconds.
Next Week
I have one or two more tasks relating to endgamers, and then I think it’s about time to give the early game a lot more love. I’ll be doing what I can in this department.