M249 Changes
To clear up any confusion from last week's devblog, the M249 is
not user craftable. I made sure of that this week. I made some tweaks to the rate of fire and accuracy, and I also introduced a new recoil penalty when moving. This gun is basically unusable beyond 10m, unless you are stationary and crouched. I also trickled this down so that we now have a...
Rifle Nerf
Pretty sure this is what was needed! I’ve added a movement penalty to recoil when using the AK47 and the bolt action. They’re still usable, but they’re going to be a lot less accurate when running and gunning. This should actually increase the viability of SMGs as they suffer
no movement penalties whatsoever. p.s. before you lose it on Reddit, please understand that we will adjust this balance over the coming weeks to ensure its not OP/UP.
Pumpjacks Removed
This is a big one. When you log on your existing pumpjacks will be gone. You won’t be able to craft new ones, and you won't see any more oil craters. Sorry guys.
The problem with pumpjacks is they were implemented far too early, before a tonne of other systems were in place to keep them balanced. We need more resources types, ways of transporting fuel, all sorts of things before this is a viable addition to the game. It was, in fact, the antithesis of Rust. Raiding dropped to an all time low because all you had to do was sit in your base and let the game play itself. It's a super boring mechanic that was way overpowered. I will revisit it in the future. I’d expect something like static pumpjacks in the coming weeks before we let people place them again.
Blueprint System Updated
Haha, did anyone see
this? That was a bit of a screw-up by us. I’ve removed them from that table so you don’t have to worry about getting that kind of garbage in the very rare loot table anymore. I also made a pretty significant change to the way blueprints are unlocked. It will try its best not to give you a duplicate blueprint! You’ll still get a random item based on the tier you are unlocking, but this should allow people to progress with a little less frustration. I’m revisiting the whole system over the next few weeks (because it sucks), so this is temporary.
Next Week
I’m trying to figure out a way to make blueprint fragments work more like XP and let people unlock things in packages. I also want them to be more like a currency or a stat, something that persists across death. More on this next week, but it is sufficient to say the entire blueprint system as you know it will be going bye-bye soon!