I haven't been very happy with the SSAO options available on the Asset Store so, as an fun side project, I decided to give a stab at a new implementation on my free time. It's based on industry-standard SSAO techniques.
I started this project a few weeks ago and it eventually evolved into a full blown, solid implementation. It fixes a lot of issues we were having have with, pretty much, all of our other options. From artefacts to radius limitations and performance. Before, we had to choose between quality and performance and this technique scales well to higher resolutions and larger sampling radius, so finally we can get both.
These are before (left), and after (right), shots of a third person perspective. In these close up shots I increased radius and intensity a bit, in comparison to before without artefacts:

One of the most serious issues we were having with the previous implementation was a darkening artefact caused by precision issues. That's gone.

We now can increase radius quite a bit too.