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MLRS & desert base update

This month's update introduces the Military Desert base monument containing the MLRS missile launcher system!

04 November 2021
I added fully procedural Military bases harboring the MLRS equipment this update, these will be different on every server, every wipe. They are built from a pool of individual modules and fill 4 different templates.  
Each has a few points of entry, regular loot with a sprinkle of oil and you will face some resistance from scientists as well. 

The new Desert Military Base monuments each have a parked Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). This vehicle doesn't move - you won't be driving it around the map - but it can be set up to fire rockets to any target. Except safe zones, naturally.

These MLRS rockets can do significant damage to bases. They can be countered by SAM sites, but a full barrage of 12 rockets will only be mostly repelled by two SAM sites, and completely fought off by three.

Using the MLRS

1. First you'll need to acquire an MLRS Aiming Module which can be found in locked hackable crates and one to twelve MLRS rockets that are found in elite, APC and  Attack helicopter crates.

2. Interact with the back of the MLRS and insert your rockets.
3. Get in the MLRS and open the Aiming Module slot, and insert your aiming module, which will activate the weapon systems.

4. Interact with the targeting screen and set your desired target.

You can click-and-drag to move the map around, and click to place the target. If you've set a marker on the main map view earlier, it'll show up here as a red marker, which should help with targeting bases.

A red crosshair indicates where you want to aim. A white circle indicates where the MLRS will actually hit. These will usually match, but can differ if the MLRS is still moving its aim into position, or if there's an obstacle in the way. The MLRS shoots high in the air, so mountains and so on won't usually be a problem, but the white circle will show you if they are.

The target circle shows the total area that might be damaged by an MLRS attack - not all rockets will hit the exact same spot, though there is a bias towards the centre of the circle. No damage will be done outside of the target circle area.
5. Press button to fire. The MLRS will shoot all the rockets you have loaded, and break down for 10 minutes (or whatever the brokenDownMinutes console variable is set to).
Painting Undo
Added undo & redo support for painting
Marketplace Search
Added search option when browsing shops at marketplace
Crouching Gestures
Can now use hand gestures while crouching

Check out the changelog for more changes.
On December 2nd, in line with Rust's next major update patch, we'll be forcing a blueprint wipe across all servers. 

Additionally, we'll be looking at retiring a number of lower populated Facepunch servers. 
A special edition of Twitch drops will be enabled on November 20-21 for charitable Rust. Charitable Rust has raised $540,786 over the past 6 years supporting various charities such as Rise Above the Disorder, Pencils of Promise and charity: water. This year the charity charitable Rust is supporting is Preemptive Love. 

Preemptive Love provides aid in countries of conflict with food, water, medical care relief and much more for families on the frontlines of violence.

Check out the charitable Rust website for more details and check out the Preemptive Love website to read more about their work.
Last week we announced Rust's first in-game pumpkin carving competition in the Halloween update blog post. If you wish to enter you have until November 7th 2021 23:59 UTC

Using Rust's new in-game carvable pumpkin item carve a design worthy of pleasing the horrid creatures at Facepunch. 


£75 worth of skins of their choosing and two Rust DLC keys.

Runner up

£50 worth of skins of their choosing and one Rust DLC key.

How To Submit

Once you’ve carved your best and scariest pumpkin design, take a screenshot and upload the image to  Twitter using the hashtag #RustHalloween

The winner and runner up will be announced from Rust's official Twitter account on November 8th.


Submissions will be judged based on the following:
  • Creativity
  • Design (Not required to be Halloween themed)
Judging will be performed by Facepunch Staff.


This competition is run by Facepunch Studios Ltd at Concept House, Elmore Green Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, UK. The competition ends on November 7th 2021 23:59UTC. No more than three entries per person. The winner and runner-up will be selected based on which pumpkin carving Facepunch thinks is the most original/creative and any decisions Facepunch makes will be final. The winner and runner up must claim their prizes within one month of the closing date (which Facepunch may exchange for an alternative of the same or greater value). Our terms of service apply to any content you make for the competition: Winning entries must pick items from the Rust marketplace with market value. Designs uploaded or aided using third party applications will be disqualified. 
To celebrate the release of SteelSeries GameSense with Rust, SteelSeries has launched a desktop battle station contest. Head over to their Discord and post your best RGB and desk setups with SteelSeries gear in the #Rust-Desk-Contest channel for a chance to win a copy of Rust + DLC and an Aerox 3 wireless mouse.

Ends on November 16th.


  • Added MLRS
  • Adding 4 desert military base monuments
  • Added MLRS Ammo
  • Added MLRS Targeting module item


  • Undo Redo support for painting
  • Search option when browsing shops at marketplace
  • Can now loot items in campervan storage while it's on a lift
  • Can now use hand gestures while crouching (doesn't apply to dances)
  • New entity.downloadsign convar downloads sign data to the game folder in png form (admin only)
  • Reduced horse dung
  • Added "hits" to combat log (how many previous objects a projectile has hit)
  • Added "integrity" to combat log (how much of its maximum damage % a projectile did)
  • Added "travel" to combat log (the time a projectile has traveled for)
  • Added "mismatch" to combat log (how much the client trajectory differs from the server trajectory)


  • Fixed "Too close to monument" errors appearing when other placement problems were to blame
  • Diving mask UI is now lit better while underwater in daytime
  • Fixed screen overlays (Diving goggles, heavy plate helmet) being affected by UI scale
  • Player inventory doesn't open up for a frame when a player is looted in a demo
  • Fixed tool cupboard stacking using table deployable
  • Fixed multiple rock terrain gaps
  • Fixed various TC stacking methods
  • Fixed a small gap in armored door double's hatch
  • Fixed armored door inconsistent hatch LODs behaviour
  • Fixed bonkers AO map on wooden doors gibs
  • Fixed foundation.steps.stone wrong gibs assigned
  • Blocked double jump through gas station extension ceiling
  • Fixed Player IO ent button LODs kicking in way too soon
  • Fixed floating decor in water_well_a
  • Fixed grass missing in front of supermarket
  • Fixed floating electric wire at stables_a
  • Fixed missing keypad on compound farming vending machine
  • Fixed a hole by Military tunnels mine entrance rocks
  • Fixed inaccurate shadow proxies of lighthouse
  • Fixed multiple deployment issues with beachchair


  • Removed Halloween


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