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The Lumberjack

New Lumberjack pack, furnace UI, server browser improvements, hardcore mode development and more!

06 October 2022
This month we're introducing a new addition to Rust's permanent store, the Lumberjack Pack. The Lumberjack Pack contains five items, four tools and one hazmat reskin. 

Lumberjack suit

The Lumberjack Hazmat is a handcrafted upper-body mechanical exoskeleton. Forged with hardened metal and toughened materials, it's the perfect outerwear for roaming the forests. The Lumberjack suit is a hazmat replacement skin that can be applied while crafting the hazmat or skinned using the repair table. The Lumberjack suit offers no in-game bonuses. 


The Lumberjack additionally comes with four craftable tools. The concrete tools are reskinned versions of the stone tools, and the prototype tools share the same stats as the metal tools. 
The Lumberjack pack is available now from the Steam store and in-game store. 
Following feedback from last month's Furnace UI revamp, I made the following changes:
  • All slots now cook at the same time.
  • Added progress bar when smelting items 
  • New burning icon for items
I also fixed a number of issues relating to ores dropping out of furnaces when overfilling.

Splitting ores stacks between input slots will still not increase production rates. 
As a part of a large long term menu UI revamp I have made several improvements to the server listing UI this month. Here are the most note worthy changes: 
  • Added regions server tags.
  • Update tag search behavior to find servers with all of the selected tags instead of any of them.
  • Add a button to clear filters to the server browser.
Additionally, I reimplemented dropdown menus in the options menu. This should make life easier than clicking endlessly to find certain options such as screen resolution. 
The campfire is one of Rust's oldest models, dating back to pre-2015. It was time for an update to reflect Rust 2022. Isaac has worked his magic and updated the model which can be seen below.
Along with the new model comes new visual effects courtesy of Petur
Petur has updated the effects on the campfire, large furnace, furnace and cauldron. These updated effects not only look better but also offer better performance. 
Train Offloading LGF
Train fuel wagons now contain more low grade fuel
Debris Building Blocker
Debris building blocker now immune to explosive damage
Not focused FPS Limit
Added an option to cap framerate to 15FPS when not focused
Radio Ga Ga
Radio stations can now be updated without releasing client/server updates
Train Bell
Hitting the bell on the train now goes "ding ding"
We received a lot of feedback surrounding the Workbench Techtree on hardcore since its launch last month, many wanting it removed completely from this game mode. While weighing options we've decided to explore a tech tree tax. Unlocking items directly from the Workbench Techtree will now cost additional scrap, 
  • Tier 1 - 20%
  • Tier 2 - 40%
  • Tier 3 - 60%
The research cost from using the research bench remains unchanged. 
Following last month's storage changes, we have now increased car storage module size from 18 to 48. Camper storage 12 to 18 and Saddle bags 6 to 12. 
We're aware the server performance has degraded since the release of EAC EOS update on September 30th, we're actively working with EAC to remedy these issues. Server owners can expect hotfixes over the coming days and weeks. 

 Proton Support

You know, we switched to EAC's new platform with the intention of providing support for the Steam Deck, and so far we haven't done that. So when is it coming?

Well, short answer is we don't know. We don't know if it is. When we discontinued linux support in 2019, one of the core reasons was how the cheating community was exploiting the Linux platform. That's not to say that cheating was super widespread on Linux, but it was safer for cheat developers. And that's not good in a game like Rust where a cheater can ruin weeks of hard work.

Enabling proton support would mean we're asking the EAC team to provide support for a whole other platform, which we fear would reduce their ability to support Windows - our main platform. We don't know whether we should enable one platform at the disadvantage of another.

The one thing we don't want to do is to enable Proton support to only discontinue it six months later. We don't want to encourage players to spend their money on a Deck to play Rust and then be in a position where we want to take that ability away.

For now, we're still weighing up the risks and will continue to explore options with EAC. Don't expect to see Proton support in the near future, but we hope to have it enabled someday. 
Starting from today till Oct 12th 23:59UTC Agustabell and several of the biggest names in the Spanish streamer community will be participating in a 7-day event! Twitch drops are enabled for selected Spanish Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Spanish Rust Twitch streamers.
Learn more at
On October 20th at 19:00 BST / 14:00 EST we'll be releasing a mandatory server and client update to enable some new spooky features!


  • Added Lumberjack suit
  • Added concrete hatchet
  • Added concrete pickaxe
  • Added prototype hatchet
  • Added prototype pickaxe
  • Added region server tags
  • Added Hardcore gamemode techtree tax


  • Updated Campfire model
  • Updated furnace VFX
  • Updated campfire VFX
  • Updated cauldron VFX
  • Improved server listings
  • Update tag search behavior
  • Added an option to cap framerate to 15 while window isn't in focus
  • Improved visibility of clusters of vending machines on map
  • Horse idle animations will no longer be synced
  • Radio stations can now be updated mid-month without releasing client/server updates
  • Added world position/seed/size to the F8 performance overlay (see debug.showWorldInfoInPerformanceReadout convar)
  • Added "entcount" convar that returns all entities placed by a given player
  • Added "authcount" convar that returns all TC's/Locks that a given player is authed to
  • Can now toggle render layers in demos
  • Improved train behaviour at end of line points
  • Modular Car camper module can now be looted from the outside after the vehicle has been destroyed
  • Furnace all slots now cook at the same time.
  • Added progress bar when smelting items
  • New burning icon for items
  • Add a button to clear filters in the server browser
  • Reimplemented dropdown menus in the options menu
  • Train fuel wagons now contain more low grade fuel
  • Debris building blocker now immune to explosive damage
  • Added Hardcore gamemode Techtree tax
  • Increased car storage module size from 18 to 48
  • Increased Camper storage 12 to 18
  • Increased Saddle bags 6 to 12
  • Updated EAC to EAC EOS
  • Updated inventory item handling sounds
  • Added vent door open/close sounds (small radius)


  • Fixed not being able to pickup wooden signs
  • Further reduced chance of trees blocking ziplines
  • Fixed some moving entities (horses, vehicles, etc) disappearing in demos
  • Fixed some viewmodel sway issues in demos
  • Player corpse ragdolls now collide with vehicles instead of passing through them
  • Fixed a number of issues relating to ores dropping out of furnaces when overfilling.
  • Fixed horses falling through the middle of the ramp construction block
  • Fixed several out of bounds exploits
  • Fixed viewmodels not appearing after reconnecting if player disconnects while gesturing
  • Fixed hurt punch screen overlay occurring when the debug cam is active
  • Fixed Chocolate item description, icon, shortname from "chocholate" to "chocolate"
  • Fixed two of the water treatment plant cylinders making the environment super dark when standing inside them
  • Fixed reflection probe / ambient light updating slower than intended
  • Fixed several spawn populations theoretically being allowed to spawn on rail
  • Fixed gate external stone gates displaying incorrectly at a distance
  • Fixed fireplace output slots
  • Fixed the very first right-click of a vehicle module from player inventory into a vehicle on it modular car lift eating the module.


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