This month Rust has received a
huge visual update, the biggest to date! From new terrain, trees, rocks, cliffs, decor, grass, monument reworks and so much more.
This is the culmination of work by several people that took place on and off over the last couple of years. It greatly improves how the game feels and gives it a fresh look.

Most of the new visuals were developed alongside the transition of the game to the High Definition Render Pipeline of Unity (HDRP) that we subsequently dropped after unsatisfactory performance results. We didn’t want to waste the efforts made to make the game look better during that time and ported them to the current version of the game instead.
We also took the opportunity in the last two months leading up to this update to fix a vast amount of long-standing issues revolving around monuments, world procedural generation, and exploits.
For example, you'll find cliffs, road, terrain, river generation much improved.
Below is a comparison of old (left) and new (right).

We re-worked some monuments completely such as the Junkyard, Satellite Dish and integrated many of them inside the procedurally generated world more seamlessly than before. For example, you'll now see larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter.
When it comes to performance, we did our best to keep the current status quo or improve upon it in some areas of the game. But since this update adds more content than it removes, we do not expect a major improvement in performance overall.

The Bandit Town is known for one if not the worst performance area, and this gave us the perfect opportunity to address this. We reduced the number of NPCs, reduced the forest density and completely remodelled the huts.
This is only touching the surface of changes, and you'll find many more changes and new additions while playing.