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Bags to Battles

This month's update brings you respawn changes, the Shipping Container-building skin, creation-building effects & many improvements and fixes.

01 June 2023
This month we’ve decided to limit the maximum number of respawn options to 15 per player. This is a big change and not one we make lightly, so we thought it would be a  good idea to explain our thinking.

While this is an inconvenience to certain playstyles, we believe adapting to this change will lead to a healthier and more interesting game. Back in October 2020, we revised the death screen, unintentionally making it trivial to manage a large number of bags. This led to situations where players could respawn rapidly and rejoin fights in ways that work against the goal of death being meaningful in Rust. Ultimately, we want placing new respawn points to be an interesting decision rather than something done as often as possible.

We explored alternatives such as adjusting the respawn radius on bags or grid-based approaches. Unfortunately, this was simple to bypass and too complicated to communicate to players. Increasing the cost of bags/beds wouldn’t have solved the issue as large groups could easily overcome any additional resource requirements.

To help manage respawn options we have made them visible on the map while alive. We also added the ability to unclaim bags you aren't using anymore. There is a new toggle on the right side of the map (below the layer controls) to hide bags while alive.

There are multiple ways to see how many bags/beds you have placed: a count on the icon and a notification after you place a bag/bed.

To prevent malicious behaviour (such as "gifting" bags to other players and filling up their quota) you will find a new “Bag Gifting” option in the options menu. This will allow you to limit who can assign a bag to you. The choices are:

  • Anyone (default option)
  • Team (teammates + friendly in contact system)
  • Disabled (nobody allowed)

Server owners can change the maximum bags per server with the convar "max_sleeping_bags". If you would like to disable it for your server, set it to "-1".

We will keep an eye on this change over the coming months and make changes as required.
To say that our building upgrade effect was dated would be an understatement. I don't think it has been adjusted since its inception. I've taken some time to improve the effect and bring it into this decade. When you upgrade a building block, you will see it constructed piece by piece over the course of one second.

Keep in mind that this is a client-only effect and the upgrade still happens immediately on the server. You can also disable this effect in the options menu. In the future, we may expand this build-over-time effect into a feature, so that very large deployables, such as watchtowers don't just appear in one frame but rather will need to be built over time.
Handmade Shotgun Ammo
Added handmade shotgun ammo world model
Vending Machine Debris
Vending Machines now drop debris when destroyed, preventing replacement
Pylon Fixes
Fixed floaty pylon placement edge cases and wire visuals
Building Skin Repair
Fixed building block getting fully repaired when switching building skin
Streamer Mode Skulls
Harvested player skulls in streamer mode now display streamer names
Sign Resolution Increased
Wooden signs & banners now have same resolution as paintings
If you ever wanted to know what it's like to build a home out of refurbished containers, wait no more! Coming to you this month is a new building block skin with the appearance of shipping containers and some new and unique features alongside it.

When you first build using the skin, the initial colour of the container blocks are randomized. They come in 16 different colors - here is a lookup chart of the available colours:

If you wish to change the look of your crib, you can now use the spray can alternate function (RMB) to display a selection wheel of the available colours and repaint your walls.

It's worth noting that the last colour you spray-painted with will now be the new building blocks colour used when you build additional shipping container blocks.

We look forward to seeing how creative you get with this new skin!

We've listened to your feedback regarding the hammer radial menu when changing building block skins and have made some significant improvements.

You can now switch between building skins with Q and E (can be configured in the options menu) while hovering over the various building tier buttons.

We’ve made some improvements to the map marker system based on your feedback from their improvements in the April update.

You’ll now notice a new list of the current markers on the top left of the map screen. Clicking on these will move the map to that marker and you can delete the marker from that UI without having to move your camera, this should be helpful if you need to clear a marker quickly to place a new marker.
The marker labels can now show an extra character on the compass, the visibility of the marker labels has been improved when placed over snow, and you can now hide your team leader's markers on the map and compass via the top left menu. We've also made several bug fixes.
Pings have also seen a set of improvements based on community feedback.

One area that was flagged was being notified when a teammate placed a ping out of your view. To help with this, each ping type now has a unique sound effect and the compass will flash briefly to indicate where the new ping has been placed.

General usability has been improved; pings can now be placed immediately when the binoculars are equipped (don’t need to zoom in) and binoculars now have a crosshair for more precise placement. Pings can also now be deleted regardless of what you are holding in your hands.

Finally, the ping UI itself has been scaled up slightly and pings now fade out once they time out instead of being deleted immediately.
We've improved the way our internal memory pool handles thread safety. This should not result in any immediate changes, but it allows us to ensure we won't introduce resource contention performance issues as our multithreading scales up, particularly around networking and serialization. If you're a server owner and you notice a performance decrease from this change, please let us know.
Players can now connect to a server using both the game port and the query port. This also fixes steam://connect link issues that were introduced back when we started enforcing separate query ports on servers. If you're a server owner and you want to use steam://connect links on your website, please make sure to use the query port in those links, not the game port.
For a while now we've just had one long idle.  It's pretty repetitive & also if you're sitting on top of a horse, you end up just getting shook around every 4 seconds. I wanted to see more variation.

There is now a short base breath anim, and lots of small idles that play randomly after a few seconds or so. There are larger actions (like a shake of the body or head toss) as well as smaller ones (like a tail swish or ear flick). The result hopefully looks more natural in-game.

For server owners - I updated the logic for the server wipe timer to support timezones properly. The default configuration aligns with force wipes so it shouldn't need any changing for most people. Make sure the time is set correctly on your servers!
  • Monthly: First Thursday every month at 19:00 (London time)
  • Weekly: Every Thursday at 19:00 (London time)
  • Biweekly: First and third Thursday of each month at 19:00 (London time), but splits 3 week gaps into 2+1 weeks for months with 5 weeks
Internally it is now using cron expressions using the Cronos library. If you'd like, you can use a custom cron expression for your wipe timer by setting the wipeCronOverride convar.

You can also use a different timezone for wipes by setting the wipeTimezone convar to an IANA timezone name (see TZ identifiers on this page).

There is now a printWipe console command which shows debug info about upcoming wipes which can help you set up your configurations correctly.
From June 11th to June 17th, Twitch drops will be enabled to support the Bellum, a Hispanic community event featuring Auronplay, Grefg, Ricoy, Agustabell, Illojuan, Rubius, and many more.

Learn more about drops at


  • Can no longer have more than 15 respawn options
  • Can connect to servers via Steam query port as well as game port


  • Respawn options are now visible on the map during gameplay
  • Can copy+paste filter configs on the conveyor screen by holding shift
  • Industrial tool now shows the name of the item attached to a storage adaptor when hovering over industrial connections
  • RF Transmitter can now change frequency via inventory (like pager)
  • RF Transmitter can now change frequency while in another player’s TC radius
  • Can now ping as soon as binoculars are equipped, no need to zoom
  • Pings now have unique sound effects
  • Pings placed outside of your field of view will now flash the compass
  • Added a crosshair to the binoculars
  • Pings now fade out when they time out
  • Pings can be deleted regardless of equipped item
  • Increased size of pings
  • Added a list of current local and team markers to the top left of the map
  • Markers will now show 4 characters from the label on the compass
  • Improved visibility of map markers on snowy areas
  • Raised attachment point of storage adaptor on vending machines for easier placement around windows
  • Horses now have several new idle animations
  • Building skins can now changed by pressing Q and E in the hammer radial menu
  • Internal memory pool improvements for better thread safety performance
  • Modders can now update CUI without destroying & recreating
  • 'infiniteammo' convar
  • 'repair_inventory' command
  • 'skin_radius' and 'upgrade_radius' commands
  • Resolution of signs doubled
  • Debris added to shopfront & vending machine
  • Improved shader graphics of black telephone wires around the map


  • Fixed tooltips briefly flickering out of position in some UI
  • Fixed missing cowbell 3rd person mallet
  • Fixed old map markers staying on the map after changing server
  • Fixed RF pager no longer able to be set to Silent
  • Fixed items with redirect skins sometimes not being counted by Industrial Conveyor filters
  • Fixed steam://connect links not working
  • Fixed floaty pylon placement edge cases
  • Fixed building blocks getting fully repaired when changing their skin
  • Fixed sunlight leaks inside the Nuclear Missile Silo on some map seeds
  • Fixed loot getting stuck under the big missile in the Nuclear Missile Silo
  • Vending machines no longer give out stacks greater than max stacksize after restart
  • Steam nicknames fixed


  • Disabled legacy server analytics


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