Electrical Components
Here is a list of all of the new electrical components added to the game:
AND Switch
Only allows passthrough when BOTH inputs receive power
Allows passthrough when a target value has been reached
Door Manipulator
Keeps a door open as long as it is powered
Disables passthrough when power is received through its second input
Allows you to branch off power from the main power line
Combines two root power sources into one for a stronger main power line
Memory Cell
1 bit storage (true/false) allows passthrough when true, also has inverted signal output
Large Battery
Outputs 100 energy
Laser Detector
Long range player detector, allows passthrough while a body is in the beam
OR Switch
Allows passthrough of the greater signal strength when either A OR B is powered
Pressure Pad
Allows passthrough while a player is standing ontop of it
Small Battery
Outputs 10 energy
Solar Panel
Outputs 30 energy maximally, when the sun is directly infront of it with no occlusion
Splits power into 3 distinct signals
Simple on/off switch
Allows passthrough while timer is active, can be customized with any duration and force toggled on via its second input
XOR Switch
Allows passthrough if only A or only B is powered
Wire tool
General Electricity tool, allows connection of components similar to the hammer
Outputs 100 power when the wind is strong, higher chance for stronger wind with altitude
More Information
An excellent write-up, including crafting times, and more information is available here In short, we now have a fully functional logic gate system in Rust. Right now you'll be able to do something as simple as adding a working lightswitch to your base, or as advanced as making a functional CPU in the game.