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Seismic Shift

This month, we bring you more meta & QOL gameplay changes, the Seismic Sensor item, barricades deployable in monuments, instant server rejoin, Tech Tree combining, and much more.

06 June 2024
This month, we're adding the Seismic Sensor, a new electricity-powered deployable.

When powered, it will listen for nearby explosions and send a power signal when detecting any.
  • You can configure its range from 1 to 30 meters (one foundation = 3 meters)
  • It will output a different power value depending on the type of explosion detected

A non-exhaustive list of power values from explosives:
  • 1 power = F1 Grenade, Beancan
  • 2 power = Explosive ammo, Satchel
  • 3 power = C4, Rocket

The idea is to let you detect and trigger circuits when you're being raided. Alarms, traps... the possibilities are infinite, we're excited to see what you will come up with! 
Traditionally, we blocked all forms of building inside Monuments. This made sense back in the day when Monuments were small in size and number, but over the years, the amount of land they take up has increased significantly.

We want to reward players who pick a strategic location during a fight, but it's hard to pick a good location when you're in an empty field!

This is why barricades can now be placed on the terrain around Monuments. This allows you to take cover as you enter and exit monuments, as well as take cover inside the open fields inside Monuments.

Applies to:
  • Wood barricade
  • Stone barricade
  • Concrete barricade
  • Sandbags

Remember: Monument Structures, Concrete, and Roads still block barricades at this time.

Decay and melee protection has been adjusted to account for more relaxed placement
  • 15 minute decay
  • 8-10 hits with melee
Behold the ability to see what your teammate is placing and where it will be placed! This should clear up the exact location your teammate(s) are shouting while trying to build.

By default, it only will show your teammate's deploy guides when you are building. This can be changed via the options menu to 'Always Show' or to be disabled.
When allowing barricades to be placed into Monuments we realized... it's not that clear where the building blocked of Monuments actually starts!

You will now see a red outline around the edge of monuments.

This can be toggled in the options menu.

Server owners can disable it via a convar if conflicts with custom Monuments.

Monument building radius

We also took the opportunity to adjust the building blocked size of some Monuments.

  • Gas Station
  • Lighthouse
  • Mining Outpost
  • Super Market
  • Quarry
Slightly Larger
  • Dome
  • Launch Site
  • Abandoned Military Base
  • Arctic Research Base
Faster Code Locks
Once a code is set, the "last used" button is much faster at entering the code
Bone Fertiliser
Bone fragments can now be used in a composter to create fertiliser
Faster Window Crafting
Window glass, shutters and bars now craft in 15s instead of 30s
Skin Names
See the name of skins at the Repair Bench, and a link to get them
Helicopter Handbrake
Idle helicopters no longer drift down slopes
Reduced Speed Penalty
Horse armour doesn't slow your horse as much
Salvaged Hammer Buff
+100% damage against deployables
Mixing Table Ammo Recipes
Added HV Ammo & Incendiary Ammo to mixing table
Industrial Conveyor UI
Easier to search and setup industrial conveyors
Block Explosives In TCs
Prevent players from stashing their explosives in TCs
Hammer UI Consistency
Hammer always shows all options to reduce misclicks
Reduce F15 Volume
Reduce volume of F15 by 50% to reduce strain on ears
LOD Improvements
Fixed monument prefabs appearing invisible from far
Planter Autofill
Hold Sprint to auto plant all held seeds in a single planter
Vendor Attachments
Able to see the attachments on weapons for sale in vending machines
Chainsaw hit radius
Adjusted the chainsaw hit radius to make it easier to hit the trees' X mark
While a queue is better than nothing (who remembers the days of spamming reconnect?), we want to avoid players getting stuck in a queue at all: especially when it's due to a crash.

We have made a few changes to allow players recently kicked from any server to skip the queue.
  • Holds your spot
  • 5 minutes max
  • Any type of disconnect (kick, internet outage, crash, alt + f4)

In order to save some space in bases, I’ve modified the Tech Tree menu to now allow you to browse and unlock techs from lower Tech Trees (eg. Access T1 techs from a T2 bench, access T1 and T2 trees from a T3 bench). Use the tabs in the top left of the screen to switch between available tech trees. 

The workbench tax from last month's update is applied based on the Tech Tree level, so there will be no scrap cost changes as a result of this change. The tech tree also now opens immediately when accessing the workbench, saving you a click.
When using the wire tool, you can now adjust the amount of slack in your wire using your mouse wheel while holding LEFT SHIFT.

It's purely visual, it doesn't change anything gameplay-wise, and it also works with hoses and Christmas lights!
I worked on a bunch of improvements for sign painting this month based on community feedback. There's a mix of QoL and bug fixes, but they should all improve your painting experience! 


  • Made the painting UI follow your UI scale option
  • Added a convar to switch which side the painting UI is on (paint.leftsided)
  • Increased the maximum brush size to 100 (was 32)
  • Fixed brush sizes below 2 drawing nothing sometimes
  • Fixed drawn brushes overlapping within the same stroke
    • This makes painting behave more like other apps
    • Fixes low opacity values not actually actually being low because the brushes overlap
  • Fixed weird color blending behavior for the softest brush
  • Fixed portrait and landscape frames using an incorrect aspect ratio paint texture (no more squishing and export inconsistency)
Medium battery size
Reduced medium battery size by ~15%, now fits under half walls
Tesla Coil & Igniter healing
Tesla Coils and Igniters are now healed by your tool cupboard overtime
Electrical Furnace
Now automatically turned ON or OFF depending on whether they have power
SAM Site
Added a new input to switch your SAM Site targeting mode using electricity
Solar Panel
Solar panels no longer take damage when picked up
Wiring near vehicles
Vehicles no longer prevent you from wiring components
We’re making several fishing changes this month to try and shake up the broader fishing meta. Our current issue is that it’s quite trivial to endlessly produce fish from a safe zone, then converting that fish to scrap. It’s not the fastest way to earn scrap but it is pretty reliable.

Our intention with the range of fish available to catch was always that you would work your way up the chain - catch a sardine, use that to catch a trout, use that to catch a shark. By allowing raw fish meat to be used as a bait you could easily gut one fish and catch dozens more fish with that meat, which could then be converted into even more fish.

To break this loop, this month raw fish meat is now only worth 0.5 bait (and can be used in stacks of 3) - whole fish can (and should) be used as bait but you now run the risk of losing that fish when casting out. The idea is to introduce a risk/reward mechanic. Do you cash out with your current trout catch or do you put them on line and go for the sharks? 
To balance out this reduction in bait, we’ve made several other forms of bait more useful. Several bait types can now be “stacked” - if a fish requires 5 bait to be caught and you stack two Worms worth 2.5 each, you can now catch that fish. This behaviour is applied across worms, grubs, berries and small fish, making these baits more viable. We’ve also increased the bait value of human meat (1 -> 3), bear meat (5 -> 10) and wolf meat (5-> 10). The stack amount can be seen next to the bait value when selecting the item in your inventory.

The Survival Fish Trap became a bit neglected after we introduced the Fishing Rod, so this month we’ve adjusted it to make it more relevant. The trap now uses the same underlying fish/bait system as the rod, meaning you can catch different fish in different water sources as well as catch better fish based on the bait provided. The only mechanical difference between these two fish sources is that the trap cannot catch the same fish as it has used as bait and the trap has a 50% chance to lose the bait without catching the fish. 
In hack week this month, I explored ways to reduce our memory usage, an area that is a real priority for us this year. While a lot of my experiments weren’t workable, one did actually end up saving several hundred megabytes of memory for very little cost, so it’s shipping as disabled by default this month.

A renderer in this case is simply a thing that is visible to the player - a crate, a rock, part of a structure, etc. Importantly for performance each renderer has LODs (Level of Detail) - lower quality versions of each renderer that we switch to based on the distance to the players perspective. In Unity each of these LODs typically lives on a child object of a master parent object, so Barrel01 will have a child Barrel01_LOD0, Barrel01_LOD1, etc that we switch to. What I discovered during hack week is that in a proc gen map of 4.5k size, we can have upwards of 1.3 million objects in the world, each of these objects has some overhead (we need to store its position, rotation, what the object does, etc). In a renderers case, for every single renderer we had 3-5 child objects, one for each LOD level.

I realised that in most cases each LOD object was just sharing a duplicate of all the information except for a different model, so I modified the system to detect when this happens and consolidate all needed information into a single object, then delete the child objects. By applying this to every renderer in the world, I was able to delete 385 thousand objects from the world, which had a combined memory saving of 484mb - pretty significant! 

This combination process is run every time the game is launched, we’re currently working on a change to make most of these modifications before we build the game, which should yield further savings next month.

Due to how risky this change is (deleting 385 thousand objects has had some unintended side effects that we’ve now fixed), we’re shipping this new feature off by default, but we’ll monitor it’s usage through the month and likely turn it on by default sometime next month. The convar is graphics.collapseRendererLOD and you’ll need to restart your game after turning it on or off. Let us know how it goes for you!

tldr: 400k less objects
500mb less RAM
It would be amiss to say horses have not had their share of issues over the last few months. So following community feedback, I looked into a solution that would resolve the difficulties players have had with horse navigation.

Alongside some minor adjustments to prevent horses from getting stuck and preventing unnecessary stamina depletion, I introduced the ability for horses to walk backwards. This seemed like the most logical approach to alleviate horses getting stuck, and should be an overall improvement to navigation.

I've added a few more cinematic entities this month for Rust creators to use in their video and image projects. These can be spawned by server owners/admins and can be hidden via console with pre-assigned group numbers.

The new additions include:
  • More spot and point light (red/blue/green variants)
  • Unlit backdrops and cyc walls (green/blue/black/white/grey variants)
  • Flags/cutters (small/medium/large variants)

visibility commands

Cinematic entities are now assigned to specific group numbers which allows them to be hidden if desired. Use the command cinematicentity.hideobjects followed by one or more group numbers to set their visibility to hidden.

The groups are setup like so:
  • 0 = nothing (makes all entities visible)
  • 1 = lighting
  • 2 = backdrops
  • 3 = props
  • 4 = misc (flags/cutters)
You can hide single or multiple groups within the same command - for example:
cinematicentity.hideobjects 1 - Hides lighting only (keeps light effect but hides the mesh)
cinematicentity.hideobjects 1 2 - Hides lighting AND backdrops
cinematicentity.hideobjects 0 - Shows all cinematic entities (un-hides everything)

You can also hide cinematic entity groups in demos with cinematicentity.demohideobjects followed by the same group numbers above. To revert to the visiblity of the entities back to their original states from the demo recording, use cinematicentity.removedemooverride

Join us for the Bellum Redemption event June 10th-17th!

There will be Twitch drops so be sure you get synced!
Please be aware of scams.  Facepunch will never contact you.  Only ever use our official website.
Turret interference has been effective at preventing players from surrounding their base in 100s of turrets, however it lacked feedback on how exactly to stay under the limit.

Turret interference will now be shown while holding a wire tool and looking at a turret.
It will also be shown in the hotbar while building.
While this is accurate most of the time keep in mind this only counts turrets you are authed on (it ignores enemy turrets). This mismatch is required to prevent players from holding a turret and seeing how many turrets are inside an enemy's base.


  • Seismic sensor
  • Wire slack


  • If a codelock is locked, the "last used" button enters the code 250% faster than before
  • Bone fragments are now compostable into fertiliser at a ratio of 4:1
  • Horse armour horse speed reduction reduced by 25% (i.e. the penalty is 75% as much as it was, the horse is faster now)
  • Wood shutters, all types of window bars, and window glass crafting time reduced from 30s to 15s
  • SAM sites no longer target idle vehicles
  • Helicopters now use a sort of 'handbrake' on slopes, being less inclined to roll away
  • Any Skin or DLC item on the Repair Bench now shows the skins's name
  • Any Skin or DLC item on the Repair Bench now provides a button that takes you to the relevant URL, if it's purchasable anywhere
  • Made the painting UI follow your UI scale option
  • Added a convar to switch which side the painting UI is on (paint.leftsided)
  • Increased the maximum brush size to 100 (was 32)
  • Added a new input to SAM site to toggle the defender mode
  • Tesla coils and igniters now automatically heal themselves when under building privilege
  • Solar panels no longer take damage when picked up
  • Removed electric furnace 'Turn On' and 'Turn Off' side inputs
  • Reduced medium battery size by ~15%
  • Reduced the minimum water required to throw from a water jug from 1000ml to 100ml
  • IO entities are now wirable near vehicles
  • Door controllers now pulseable like before by buttons or pressure pads to quickly open/close a door
  • Wiring the passthrough directly into the 'Close' side input will now closes the door instead of opening it when a door controller is first powered
  • Adjusted shelves top collider to allow vertical barrel placement on the upper shelf
  • Added roman candles to the server fireworks limit
  • Optimised fireworks firing effects
  • Can now hold Sprint to auto fill all empty slots in a planter with the selected seed
  • Adjusted the attack ray of the chainsaw so that it hits closer to where it visually looks like it should based on the model (easier to hit the red x)
  • Raw Fish Meat is now worth 0.5 bait (was 5) and can be stacked 3 times
  • Can now stack the bait value of Worms, Grubs, Berries, Anchovies, Herrings, Sardine, Small Trout and Yellow Perch when fishing
  • Raw Bear and Wolf meat is now worth 10 bait (was 5)
  • Raw Human meat is now worth 3 bait (was 1)
  • Berries are now worth 1 bait (was 0.5)
  • Anchovies, Herrings and Sardines are now worth 2 bait (was 3)
  • Survival Fish Trap now uses the same fishing system as the fishing rod
  • Can now access lower tiers of a workbench tech tree from a T2 and T3 workbench
  • Cargo ship path and harbor entrance/exits are now displayed on the map while the cargo ship is active
  • Improved map performance when opening the map on a server with lots of vending machines
  • Map is now populated 1s after dying instead of immediately when a player dies, should dramatically reduce the lag spike on dying
  • Clamped excessive screen shake when lots of explosions are happening around the player (can be disabled by setting client.clampscreenshake to false)
  • Can now pickup the Water Purifier (both parts must be empty)
  • Rebalanced Anti Radiation Tea to exclusively reduce damage taken from Radiation (5/15/25 -> 15/30/45)
  • Added a text readout on the death screen if a player dies while logged out in a safe zone to explain why they died
  • Reduced text overlapping on the health bar notices when picking up items with long names and high amounts
  • Tweaked water pumps deploy volume so they can be deployed in a triangle
  • Added an UI information panel showing flamethrowers damage and range values
  • Updated large medkit description to include the 100% chance of recovery from wounded state
  • Default vending machines now have translations
  • Cargoship will now stick around long enough to loot the fourth crate if it exists
  • Weapons sold in vending machines now show attachments in tooltips
  • Patrol Helicopter now tilts in its move direction
  • Patrol Helicopter lifetime extended from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, due to all of the new flee mechanics and chase behaviour
  • Renamed "Suicide" to "Respawn" in the main menu
  • Horses can now walk backwards at half the speed of normal walking
  • Improved memory usage in large environments, toggleable by (graphics.collapseRendererLOD convar, off by default)
  • Can place barricades inside monuments on terrain
  • Add ability to see building guide of teammates
  • Add ability to rejoin server for 5 minutes after disconnecting
  • Added detailed performance analytics to server
  • Added HV ammo & Incendiary ammo to mixing table
  • Increase industrial conveyor filters from 12 -> 30
  • Increase industrial conveyor search options from 4 -> 24
  • Buffed salvaged hammer to do +100% damage against deployables
  • Increases amount of recipes shown in mixing table from 4 -> 8
  • Improved consistancy of hammer radial menu
  • Added analytics on how long a server took to save
  • Added ability to see turret interference with wire tool & when building
  • Reduced volume of F15 during wipe event
  • Optimized SQLite databases on server
  • Optimized SAM Site server performance


  • Fixed stacks of engine components being lost when dragging over existing items in the modular car engine bay editor UI
  • Fixed poker offering no options to the remaining player when only one player can make moves (since others have already folded or gone all in). Sometimes there are still multiple relevant options, e.g. fold or call
  • Fixed stuttering Item Store and Main Menu videos
  • Fixed scrap heli not being driveable along the ground while holding Ctrl key anymore
  • Fixed brush sizes below 2 drawing nothing sometimes
  • Fixed drawn brushes overlapping within the same stroke
  • Fixed weird color blending behavior for the softest brush
  • Fixed portrait and landscape frames using an incorrect aspect ratio paint texture (no more squishing and export inconsistency)
  • Fixed signs showing power usage 0 in the UI
  • Fixed ignited fireworks delayed by the server limit never firing
  • Fixed melee weapons (other than pickaxes) playing their impact animation despite not hitting anything
  • Fixed wire tool color selection menu showing your current wire color as grey instead of the actual color
  • Fixed holding right click to disconnect a wire also clearing your pending wire
  • Fixed hoses using wires materials when highlighted
  • Fixed IO UI showing wrong power values when wiring entities from output to input
  • Fixed door controller not deployable on Legacy Shelter door
  • Fixed door controller IO UI overlapping doors interaction UI
  • Fixed occasional errors showing up when wiring door controllers
  • Fixed Water Purifier missing deploy guide
  • Fixed long chat messages disappearing while being typed (disabled rect mask culling)
  • Fixed ice throne colliders
  • Fixed turrets not targeting players mounted on chairs
  • Fixed wires not being parented correctly to armored door hatches
  • Fixed unharvestable 'ghost' trees
  • Fixed grenade skins not showing when dropped or thrown
  • Spooky speaker sfx are now part of the Voice Props volume slider
  • Fixed an error when in ADS on a crossbow with a 8x scope and flaming arrows
  • Can now chat while toggle crouch and auto run is active
  • Fixed the team UI sometimes displaying incorrect information when spectating
  • Fixed the player being partially dismounted when flying through the harbor swing bridge on a Minicopter and then flying more than a square away
  • Fixed clone genetics getting lost when moved to existing stacks in the Industrial Conveyor
  • Fixed some incorrect stacking behaviour in the Industrial Conveyor allowing damaged items to get stacked on repaired items
  • Fixed the Hide Interact while in ADS option not hiding health bars of entities
  • Fixed a flyhack on one of the moving cranes in Harbor
  • Fixed an unpopulated missions UI appearing on servers with missions disabled
  • Fixed Patrol Helicopter picking points in the water to go and patrol
  • Fixed old bug allowing the Patrol Helicopter to retire when its already dead. Should prevent it from not crashing when its rotors are disabled
  • Fixed coffin storage adaptor socket position
  • Fixed Patrol Helicopter targeting NPC's
  • Fixed Polar Bears not counting towards the wildlife cull Lumberjack mission
  • Fixed being able to repeatedly loot the treasure loot in a Lumberjack mission
  • Fixed horse stamina unnecessarily depleting if holding the sprint key and movement keys while stationary
  • Fixed some boom boxes circuits able to flood and eventually stall servers IO queues
  • Fixed monument prefabs culling too early
  • Fixed glass panels becoming opaque from far away
  • Fixed mixing table reseting scroll position every time it was looted
  • Fixed ping estimation causing lag spikes on linux servers
  • Fixed building plan resetting to foundation when moving building plan inside inventory
  • Fixed F8 menu not updating server version when switching servers with it open
  • Fixed wood barricade not taking melee damage on sides
  • Fixed item slider amount getting reset every time you drag an item into inventory


  • Removed ability to store explosives in tool cupboards


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