Community Update 131
Art, cosplay, a look at the new AI, and more.
Art, cosplay, a look at the new AI, and more.
The patch isn't ready, so we're not releasing one today. Here's why...
Star Wars, crashing towers, lots of art, and much more.
<h2>Help</h2> Hello. The patch on Thursday is going to change a bunch of stuff. We have a new Unity update (going from 5.4 to 5.6) and the new Ai system. We want to fill the test server with people to catch any large performance issues or dumb Ai issues before we actually release.
The new Wooden Armour is here, along with the new Simple Handmade Sight, Searchlights, and more.
Pizza and strippers, storming the beaches, and more.
Binoculars are in, work begins on a new monument, and more.
Animated Rust, playing without a base, Rust on VHS, and more.
You can make your decisions 100% more dramatic with the paintable Spinner Wheel, climb around your base with the new new Netting, or cosy up on the remade bed. We've optimised the fire fight lag, the Airfield will be getting tunnels, and more