Community Update 96
What Pokémon Go would look like <em>in</em> Rust, the Rust rock IRL, the life of a lone sniper, and more.
What Pokémon Go would look like <em>in</em> Rust, the Rust rock IRL, the life of a lone sniper, and more.
Lots of fixes and optimisation this week including the XP system, Gunplay, Graphics and more ...
Changes to the XP system means the Official servers will be wiping XP and maps to get everyone back on a level playing field. Community servers can revert if they choose to. Apologies, but it needs to be done. Aside from the XP stuff, we're rebooting gunplay, building sexier airfields, and more.
What not to do with a hand-made Salvaged Sword, the ninth chapter of Clan Wars, biblical brother-vs-brother violence, and more.
Time to start over. The XP system is here.
All the art, an in-game casino expands, and a Youtuber meets--and kills-a fan.
No patch as we're focused on the XP update for next week. On the prerelease branch you can try the new UI, the quick crafting menu, and the level-up animation. The blog also has details on making gunplay great again, upcoming armour, and more.
Print worthy fan art, handmade Rust items, a working casino, and much more.
Look at that! The beginnings of a graphical overhaul. Also, XP system details, anti-hack changes, menu rework, and more. We're upgrading servers with this patch, so there will be some extended downtime. We'll <a href="">tweet</a> when that's all resolved.