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Changes Header


What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Added Tree Minigame
  • Added Falling Trees


  • EAC SDK update
  • Cave reverb tweaks
  • Beenie hat deforms hair when worn
  • Workbench can no longer be locked
  • Improved TSSAA performance and reduced GPU ram usage
  • Trees can be knocked down by explosions
  • Trees yield half res during harvesting and half as finishing bonus


  • Failsafe for occasional stuck bush rustle sounds
  • Fixed song shuffling
  • Fixed repeated phys impact sounds when an item is stuck inside something
  • Fixed occasional attempts to unload music clips that aren't loaded yet
  • Fixed projected decals not showing sometimes
  • Fixed player motion blur popping when swapping LODs
  • Fixed beard sometimes not showing
  • Fixed hair motion vectors; used in motion blur and TSSAA
  • Fixed hair-related memory leak
  • Fixed TSSAA on inventory player preview
  • Fixed TSSAA related black sludge
  • Fixed TSSAA related water shoreline flickering


  • Added player hair!


  • New nail gun sounds
  • EAC SDK update
  • New garage door sounds
  • Nailgun nails embed themselves in objects + retrievable
  • Nailgun nails no longer damage structures
  • Nailgun nails have larger radius (easier to hit targets)
  • HV Arrow is now a default blueprint
  • Oil Refinery is cheaper to research
  • Searchlight is cheaper to research
  • Large Medkit is cheaper to research
  • Miner Hat is cheaper to research
  • Chainlink fence/gate is cheaper to research
  • Prison Wall/door is cheaper to research
  • Double Sheet Doors are cheaper to research
  • Floor Grill is cheaper to research
  • Improved occlusion culling; now faster, more accurate
  • Improved temporal anti-aliasing quality (TSSAA)


  • Fixed flame turret been lockable
  • Stance recoil no longer affects xbow/bow


  • Added Bradly APC to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
  • Added Savas map markers
  • Added new icebergs and ice sheets to the arctic biome
  • Added medium levels of radiation to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
  • Added north and south recycler on Savas
  • Basic crate added to supermarket/gasstation/warehouse
  • New procedural map biome layout
  • Military Tunnels spawn 2 elite crates
  • Stance recoil added - less accurate when standing/moving vs crouching
  • Added Nailgun + Nailgun ammo default BP


  • Improved player bone scaling and skin colour variety
  • Updated Hapis map markers
  • EAC SDK update
  • Network encryption optimizations
  • Removed sand from the arctic coastline
  • Crates always spawn one component with 40% chance of WB item
  • Candle hat default BP
  • Metal Window Bars cheaper to research
  • Airdrop always drops 2 weapons + ammo, and 2 armor pieces


  • Fixed various Hapis exploits
  • Improved skinning on player model elbows/wrists
  • Fixed player preview blinking backwards
  • Fixed shading on multi-layer materials; e.g. icebergs
  • Garage door sound scales with audio volume


  • Disabled Halloween Content :(


  • Garage door frame block
  • Added Scarecrow deployable
  • Added network encryption (enabled by default)
  • Added encryption server convar (0-2 for various protection levels)
  • Added Halloween Collectables
  • Added Skull Fire Pit


  • Replaced the ladder leading to LS roof with walkways
  • Optimized network stream read / write
  • Optimized network RPC parameter handling
  • Optimized network queue iteration
  • Optimized server logging
  • Optimized server garbage collections
  • Double shotgun deploys quicker
  • Wall Netting cheaper + default BP
  • Item drop chances equalized for each tier


  • Barbeque can no longer be placed in monuments
  • Barbeque no longer clip through walls
  • Fixed client bone follower performance regression
  • Fixed some visual issues with the halterneck
  • Fixed permanent Debris Field markers
  • Fixed BoneFollower 1 frame delay
  • Fixed AutoTurret server lag


  • Added BBQ deployable
  • Added network encryption (currently disabled)
  • Added hair items (admin only)


  • Player's foot now uses IK to align to surfaces properly.
  • Optimization. Reduced resolution of dozens of environment textures
  • Updated player models
  • Updated player preview
  • Item description updates and fixes
  • Bear rug, Rug and Table can no longer be picked up when building blocked
  • Bear rug, Rug and Table requires hammer to be picked up
  • vm hatchet update
  • Disabled server backups by default (add +backup startup parameter to enable)
  • Python requires tier 2 workbench
  • LR300 fire rate increased 10%
  • Reduced water reflection gaps
  • Reduced shadow from weapons carried on the back onto viewmodel
  • Ladder hatch requires tier 2 workbench ( green crate spawn)
  • Updated EAC SDK


  • Hapis Island exploit fixes
  • Two sided hanging sign & landscape picture frame unlocked if player has Steam item
  • vm bow aiming issues
  • vm weapon attachments now positioned correctly
  • Fixed some skins not unlocking parent items (boonie/bandana/cap)
  • Fixed water reflection related shader errors on OSX and Linux
  • Fixed shadow cascades sometimes ignored when switching quality


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