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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Cooking Workbench
  • Chicken Coop
  • Bees
  • Beehives
  • Engineering Workbench
  • Triangle Planters (with Railroad version)
  • 8 new cookable Pies
  • Bread
  • 3 new cosmetic flowers
  • Plant Pot
  • Honey
  • New crop - Wheat
  • New Harvesting Tea
  • New Cooling and Warming Teas
  • Armour Slots + 3 craftable inserts
  • Hopper
  • Food Spoiling
  • New meat models
  • Item Ownership


  • Overhauled many of the explosions in the game.
  • Chicken model improvement and new animations
  • Overhauled Graphics settings
  • Fridge now requires power
  • Horses now gain a speed boost after consuming an apple for 1 minute
  • Horses gain a digestion boost (poop more) after consuming bread for 2 minutes
  • Horses now turn faster, added a tip to explain that holding CTRL allows faster turns
  • Horses now accelerate to max speed faster while holding Shift
  • Can now see plant genetics and beehive nucleus grades on vendor ui
  • Reduced cases where a horse can ragdoll (via horse being airborne or taking damage)
  • Max drone range increased to 600m, increased HP from 100 > 200
  • Railroad planters are now skins of the normal planters, compatible with Spray Can
  • Can no longer toggle Search Lights on and off rapidly
  • The limit flashing option will now disable Strobe Lights
  • Improved server performance when toggling RF Broadcasters and RF Receivers on/off in large bases
  • Improved server and client performance of Auto Turrets, Flame Turrets and Shotgun Traps
  • Improved server performance of all remotely controlled entities (drones, CCTV cameras)
  • Improved server and client performance of all electrical IO entities
  • Improved client performance when holding a wire tool in large bases
  • Improved general physics query performance by ignoring terrain holes faster
  • Improved general physics performance of Triggers (notable with lots of overlapping Auto Turrets) - this will be rolled out in stages over the patch
  • Fixed a performance issue when using a flamethrower around Launch Site
  • Optimised Smoke Grenades and their effect on player fog overlay
  • Massively improved DDraw performance
  • UI Scale slider now applies new scale when the mouse is released
  • Hidden items no longer appear in the F1 menu, can restore old behaviour with ‘Admin.show_hidden_items’ convar
  • Console command history now persists between sessions
  • Added an optional index parameter to ‘consoletoggle‘ to open a specific F1 menu tab
  • New food cache, medieval door and berry bush modding prefabs
  • Removed ‘espcanvas.DisplayDistanceMultiplier’ convar
  • Improved behaviour of parented players on Tugboats as they sink
  • Can now hide the plant genetic display when looking at plants
  • Last selected colour now persists when exiting and re-entering the painting UI
  • Improved time precision of the electric Timer Switch
  • Improved font fallback system, fixes some garbled characters in some languages (Japanese particularly)
  • Dropped Apples won't roll as much when dropped on the ground
  • Reduced altitude of train tunnels, resulting in shorter elevator / staircase / rail distances when transitioning from above ground to below ground
  • Server Profiler Memory Tracking
  • Added a radial option to toggle the display of the Growable UI
  • Copy Paste now saves pastes on the client allowing you to easily copy paste across servers
  • Added command 'killplayerinview': kill the player you're looking at (works in safe zones as well)
  • Added command 'killallplayersradius': kill all players within the given radius
  • 'ent kill' command now ignores gibs


  • Fixed lag caused by new Steam friends integration when player has lots of friends
  • Fixed windmill using the height of the terrain underneath it when calculating power even if deployed on an iceberg or rock
  • Fixed horses levitating after ragdolling
  • Fixed horses ragdolling multiple times from a single impact
  • Fixed Battering Ram taking collision damage from very small collisions
  • Fixed being able to deploy siege weapons under train carriages
  • Fixed an exploit allowing players to bypass Launch Site puzzle with some vehicles
  • Fixed broken shields not being repairable
  • Fixed trains not destroying barriers
  • Fixed a case where shooting at a player after they were ragdolled could result in invalids
  • Fixed mini crossbow iron sight not being perfectly centered
  • Fixed player being stuck moving slowly if they were pulling a siege weapon while the server restarted
  • Fixed items that are banned from a server due to game mode (Primitive) appearing in Rust+ shops
  • Fixed tea effects not expiring if they were active during a server restart
  • Fixed Door Controller and Industrial Conveyor side inputs adding active usage to batteries
  • Fixed Siren Light culling too early
  • Fixed horse Dung culling too early
  • Fixed culled lights occasionally flickering on and off at a distance
  • Fixed Electric Heater lights staying on when unpowered
  • Fixed camera and player spinning when entering/exiting a parenting volume in demos
  • Fixed camera error in third person in demos
  • Fixed edge case error in Rock Paper Scissors if a player cancels at the same time as another player joins
  • ‘Takehiresscreenshot’ command now works if TSSAA is active
  • Fixed incorrect green laser light translation key
  • Fixed horse heads rotating strangely after alt tabbing/limiting frame rate
  • Fixed physics issue with horses attached to siege weapons
  • Fixed viewmodel error when previewing a weapon in the Workshop submit scene
  • Fixed ‘ClearInventory’ and ‘RefillVitals’ commands not working properly when bound to a key
  • Fixed getting messages from users who share Steam groups but are not friends appearing in-game
  • Fixed demo button appearing in the Main menu if the player has no demos locally
  • Fixed teammates getting horse control tips if a team member mounts a horse
  • Fixed RF receiver visually appearing activated when it wasn’t
  • Moved the RF broadcaster reserved frequency error to a localized toast
  • Fixed incorrect description of Set Target option of IO Counter
  • Grenades now show their throw animation when first person spectating
  • Resolved ‘Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh’ and endless recursion AI errors
  • Fixed wolves sometimes appearing as sliding when they come into range
  • Fixed memory leak in RCON and Rust+ server websocket system
  • Fixed ballista sometimes not mountable on uneven terrain
  • Fixed kickall command using the second argument instead of the first for the kick reason
  • Fixed some issues with the Arabic font causing some texts to disappear
  • Fixed bullet impact effects scale
  • Fixed an IO wires parenting issue with garage doors, causing them to point towards the world origin
  • Fixed many item icons appearing pixelated when playing at high resolutions
  • Fixed junkpiles despawning earlier than expected when loot is taken
  • Fixed trains not colliding with barricades
  • Fixed F1 console not showing if a command was clientside or serverside
  • Fixed signs not saving last color when entering paint mode
  • Fixed camper bed map icon not disappearing right away when unclaimed
  • Fixed siege weapons floating at terrain holes
  • Fixed another issue causing inflated vending stats


  • Added Primitive game mode
  • Added Shields
  • Added Catapult
  • Added Siege Tower
  • Added Ballista
  • Added Battering Ram
  • Added 4 Shot Mini Crossbow
  • Added DLAA option to the graphics menu


  • Overhauled horses
  • Horses now increase comfort from a fire when in proximity
  • Improved the client performance of industrial lights, ceiling lights, search lights and electric heaters
  • Improved the client performance of moving vehicles
  • Various client optimisation when opening/closing the main menu, inventory and other UI screens
  • Players can now pick up any sleeping bag as long they are in TC range
  • Can now reskin IO deployables with the spray can without disconnecting it entirely
  • Static payphones now have more accurate grid numbers in their phone directory
  • Phones can now have names up to 30 characters long
  • Added a breaking server rules option to the F7 report window (will not be enforced on Facepunch servers)
  • Added squeeze, barrel and current bone parent readouts to the debug cam info readout
  • Industrial lights have been merged into a single item, red and green versions are now skins (so they can be changed with the spraycan)
  • Added teleportteam2me command, will use the local players team or the provided team id
  • Added a toggle to the Admin F1 UGC panel to hide wanted posters
  • Can now use multiple commands with a midi bind via the ‘;’ symbol (same as binds)
  • Reduced the chance of a player getting killed at the end of a zipline, particularly if the zipline was arriving at an extreme angle
  • Fixed wording of vending machine dynamic price multiplier when looking at vending machine on a map
  • Added “debug.deleteentitybyid” convar
  • Fixed ClearUGCByPlayer convar requiring the player to be online
  • Admin ESP features can now be used in first person when spectating
  • Can now loop the entire timeline (Demo Editor)
  • Allow spaces in shot and folder names (Demo Editor)
  • Automatically switch control to the camera when a shot recording starts (Demo Editor)
  • Added accessibility.disableMovementInInventory convar to block player input when the inventory screen is open.
  • Backpacks and shields can now be used with weapon racks.
  • Improved performance in the workshop menu. Both when open and after the window is closed.
  • Admin: Added authradius_radius <playerRadius> <entRadius> to authorise everyone within playerRadius of the command user on all entities within entRadius of the player.
  • Admin: Added deauthradius_radius <playerRadius> <entRadius> to deauthorise everyone within playerRadius of the command user on all entities within entRadius of the player.
  • Admin: Added authradius_multi <radius> <player> <player> <...> to auth multiple players on all entities within radius of the command user.
  • Admin: Added deauthradius_multi<radius> <player> <player> <...> to deauth multiple players on all entities within radius of the command user.
  • Admin: Added a "Stack" button to F1 menu item icons to give a full stack of item.
  • Admin: Added clear_trees_radius to clear all trees in a radius form the player
  • Creative mode: Added Creative.bypassHoldToPlaceDuration convar to bypass the hold to place time of deployables such as High External Walls.
  • Improved TAA implementation by reducing blurring and artifacting.
  • ServerProfiler: added linux binary
  • ServerProfiler: reduced capture overhead
  • Horses now use anisotropic materials for more realistic hair shading
  • Admin :'chat.mutelist' now exposes SteamID's


  • Fixed F1 Grenades not saving Specular maps on the Community Workshop.
  • Fixed Lumberjack Hoodie not rendering when equipped.
  • Fixed item store Prototype Pickaxe being referred as Protoype Hatchet
  • Fixed the performance issues impacting Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts when opening menus or using the chat
  • Fixed missing Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters in the UI
  • Removed the "GiveItem failed!" error message that appeared when looting an item with a full inventory
  • Dropped pumpkins no longer roll indefinitely
  • Fixed spraying the factory skin twice would result in a broken texture
  • Fixed some packs in the store displaying their store page incorrectly at low UI scale
  • Fixed fish traps needing to be reset after a server restart
  • Fixed a calculation error when applying dynamic pricing to a vending machine sale
  • Fixed holosights looking different based on the accessibility colour selected while in NVG
  • Fixed certain AntiHack errors preventing the placement of deployables (e.g. barricades)
  • Fixed occasional errors when saving shots (Demo Editor)
  • Fixed shot and folder input fields resetting when pressing escape (Demo Editor)
  • Fixed Ice Assault Rifle's name and description to be in line with other similar items.
  • Fixed an issue with player inventory being locked if kicked when surrendering.
  • Items can no longer be swapped into softcore reclaim bags, fixing an exploit.
  • Submarines can no longer be stolen when purchased at Fishing Village.
  • Submarine fuel can no longer be stolen from a submarine purchased at the Fishing Village.
  • The patrol helicopter will no longer shoot at scientists.
  • Remove an error logged by wolves that could spam server logs.
  • Fixed DLSS Ultra Performance Mode artifacts.
  • Fixed formatting issues with importing and exporting normal maps via the workshop.
  • Fixed Fishing Villages spawning too close to harbor
  • Fixed Cargoship being able to abduct NPC's
  • Fixed Road Bradley and Travelling Vendor events not outputting the correct printouts
  • Fixed respawning static planter causing hash conflicts on sockets
  • Fixed Vending Machine stats panel incorrectly separating combined purchases as single purchases
  • Ensured phrases are translated properly on Vending Machine stats panel
  • Fixed death and auth commands not working for locks on tool cupboards


  • Added native ARM64 support on Mac for Apple Silicon
  • Modular Car Radios
  • Added 24x7 Bandit Town and Fishing Village radio stations
  • Added server.homingMissileTargetsHab convar to enable Homing Missiles to target Hot Air Balloons (off by default)
  • Added new IoEntity.infiniteIoPower convar to power everything on a server
  • Can now pick up and shred player purchasable helicopters in the Junkyard
  • Added Built-In Server Profiler
  • Added "invis" admin command that makes the admin invisible to players and NPCs
  • Added Vending Machine statistics
  • Added RCON IP ban system


  • Wolves have a better animation to jump up or down elevation
  • Wolves will give up on jumping at elevated players if a torch is swung at them
  • Wolves give up after following the player for a while, this happens a lot faster if the player is mounted or holding fire
  • Wolves speed is reduced and fluctuates more organically
  • Wolves are more likely to stop charging if one of their pack members gets hit near them
  • Wolves only respond to howls from their own pack, making it less common for packs of more that 4 wolves to form
  • Wolves won't see crouched players unless they are very close, allowing for melee attacks from the back
  • Wolves sight is reduced at night
  • Increased speed of player placed elevators by 50%
  • Added new express buttons to player placed elevators that go all the way up or down
  • Surgeon scrubs can now be crafted without a workbench
  • Added a passthrough slot to the Storage Monitor
  • Changed Tin Can Alarm recipe: 2 empty tuna cans -> 30 metal fragments
  • Ore nodes will no longer show the sparkle until they are hit for the first time
  • Slightly increased the depth in water players can sink to before the oxygen level starts to tick down
  • Wooden high external walls & gates can now be upgraded using the Hammer
  • A turret warning icon now appears next to the hostile warning indicator when you are hostile and near a peace keeper turret.
  • Scrap received when selling items to NPC vending machines is now dynamic
  • Updated Tutorial island with new cliffs
  • Dying to the junkyard shredder now shows an icon and proper name in the death screen
  • Added a "Fully Charged" output to all batteries which outputs 1 power when the battery is 100% charged.
  • Enabled rotation before deployment for the following items: Electrical Branch, Splitter, Button, Blocker, Root Combiner, Memory Cell, HBHF Sensor, Audio Alarm, RAND Switch, Simple Light, Siren Light, Flasher Light, Laser Detector, Pressure Pad, Tesla Coils, Sound light, Sprinklers, Igniter, Water pump, Debug power generator
  • Vendor listing now uses standard item icons
  • TriggerRadiation now supports BoxColliders
  • Added small box to Workcart
  • Legacy Shelter can now be revoked
  • Waterpumps can now be used in shallower water
  • Propane tanks now stack up to 20
  • Modded servers can no longer change the status messages in the loading screen, instead the tip line and icon can be changed
  • Better Azure analytics error messaging
  • Vending Machines now display if they are drone accessible or not
  • Improvement to Underwater Visibility
  • Disco floors can now be rotated and deployed while snapped to another disco floor piece
  • Homing missiles have been added to Bradley and Heli loot crate
  • Automatically set CPU affinity for AMD X3D CPUs
  • Anti-Radiation Pills buffed: Decreased hydration reduction from 10 → 5, Increased scrap per trade from 1 → 10 and Increased radiation reduction from 25 → 75
  • Fridge storage increased to 48 slots


  • Wolves being able to jump on 2 storey bases or very tall cliffs
  • Wolves hovering above ground
  • Landmines now have a 15% chance to explode on being disarmed
  • Fixed tesla coils being deployable under the terrain
  • Fixed some deployables saying 'Not enough space' instead of 'Cannot build this close to X' when building in a monument no build zone
  • Fixed repair bench UI not displaying the required ingredient amount when the quantity is 1
  • Fixed research table UI showing the incorrect phrase when attempting to research broken items
  • Fixed a crash when adding and removing a lot of slacked points to a wire
  • Cutting the power of a broadcasting RF broadcaster will now stop its signal
  • Fixed oxygen remaining readout starting at 3s (there is actually 4s of oxygen when going underwater)
  • Fixed oxygen readout showing incorrect amounts if multiple diving tanks are in the inventory
  • Fixed case where a second reload could be triggered if a player hit the reload key near the end of the reload animation (affected many guns)
  • Fixed case where the crossbow reload would sometimes play an extra 0.25s animation when the reload finished if latency was high
  • Fixed some floating grass and foliage on Tutorial Island
  • Fixed fingers not rendering on some leather glove skins
  • Fixed weapon reloads not reliably working at very (<15fps) low frame rates
  • Fixed campfire water purifier not accepting freshwater in the propane tank section
  • Fixed Travelling Vendor sharp LOD changes
  • Fixed ocean water Z-fighting with terrain at the shore

Known Issues

  • Wolves can sometimes suddenly die even though they didn't take damage
  • Server Profiler can sometimes fail to generate a performance snapshot
  • Investigating an on-going Server memory leak, which can result in server crashes
  • Rich text end tags (e.g. </color>) used in the menu tip message are erroneously escaped
  • Custom modded server icons used in the menu tip don't correctly reset back to the default info icon


  • T1 Handmade SMG
  • T3 SKS
  • Gesture Pack
  • Added Gesture Wheel customisation
  • Replaced old cliffs and rocks in monuments with the new ones
  • Improved wolf AI
  • Copy Paste


  • Improved radio frequency IO items server performance
  • Vending machines with custom names now appear in the F1 UGC admin panel
  • Implemented PR #61 in CUI - Steam avatar support (thanks rostov114)
  • Added NPC vendors to all Water Well variants
  • Player in-game voice chat and music can now be heard over CCTV feeds
  • Player SteamId can now be copied in the F7 report menu
  • Changed outfit of military tunnel scientists to the NVG outfit
  • Monument cctv cameras will now be disabled for 5 minutes after taking damage
  • IO ports will now show arrows for the inputs & outputs
  • You can now surrender whilst ducking
  • Admins can now hold left Alt to use an orbit camera when in third persion view.
  • Teleportpos admin command now has more consistent behaviour.
  • Buoyant objects now properly follow the flow of water on rivers and near the shoreline.
  • Reworked Large Backpack model to allow for easier workshop skinning
  • Reworked Flashlights & Miner Hat, and fixed the inconsistent light output for wearer vs others.
  • Added small rock formations that spawn around hill cliffs.


  • Fixed halloween candies spawning inside cliffs
  • Fixed halloween hunt chat score announcement typo
  • Fixed CCTV camera being used to see through geometry - we now show interferences when the camera eyes are clipping
  • Fixed binoculars screen overlay being affected by the UI scale setting
  • Fixed an error when multiple people are talking to an NPC and one player accepts a mission
  • Fixed not being able to place elevators too close to rocks or ice
  • Ensured a player dies if they manage to clip into the bottom of Cargoship
  • 'npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship' command now works as it should
  • Fixed divesites despawning and taking loot with it even if a player was nearby
  • Fixed patrol helicopter crashing at bunker entrances
  • Fixed an NRE that occurred on the server in Travelling Vendor::IgnorePlayer
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawning on top of stuff inside Radtown
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawn sequence not trying multiple spawn locations should the first one fail
  • Fixed the Travelling Vendor spawn location being guessable
  • Fixed divesite buoys being able to spawn on top of a player
  • Fixed issues with Bradley when moving through Radtown
  • Fixed server NRE occurring in patrol helicopters orbit strafe
  • Fixed quarry appearing to be turned off when 100m+ away
  • Fixed computer station input field losing focus after entering each camera
  • Fixed water jug dumping on ground if leaving water while filling
  • Fixed crafting queue showing '0s left' when re-ordering crafting queue
  • Fixed radiation protection showing at 10 when it was only 9 for certain clothing combinations
  • Fixed planters not receiving rain water between the hours of 8pm and 10am
  • Optimized HBHF sensor server performance
  • Fixed various conditions where players would get stuck inside of objects
  • Fixed various cloth-related issues with the Dracula Cape
  • Fixed hand model clipping through gloves on many of the glove types
  • Fixed holes behind coastal cliffs appearing on some seeds
  • Fixed incorrect Rad tea dropping in Water Well food caches


  • Added hand-held Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV)
  • New NPC’s, Planters and Food Caches at Water Wells
  • Refreshed Divesites with new art and buoys
  • Legacy Woodpiles
  • Radioactive Water
  • New Radtown monument
  • New rivers
  • Added a new Note world model
  • New cliffs added to procedural map
  • New coastal rocks added to the shore
  • Revamped rock formations


  • Spray Can will now remember the shipping container colour through deaths and restarts (stored in client.cfg)
  • Spray Can will now default to the last used Shipping Container colour when opening the radial menu
  • Improved server performance of Fog Machine
  • Minor memory usage improvement for most server side loot containers
  • Nametags are now reenabled when leaving a demo
  • Wallpapers can now be deployed on the hardside of building blocks, if inside your base
  • Repair bench UI now shows required ingredients as icons instead of texts
  • The 'clearinventory' command can now take container names as arguments: --main, --belt, --wear, --backpack
  • Increased the wallpaper spray can use distance from 3 to 5 meters
  • Moved the language menu to the options menu
  • The game will now select your system's language when booted for the first time
  • Improved water system
  • Hackable Locked Crates now have the same no build radius as Patrol Helicopter Crates
  • Improved visuals where the river exit meets the ocean, they now blend seamlessly


  • Fixed concrete barricade not showing correct skin at a distance
  • Fixed small holes in the two armoured vehicle modules that could let bullets pass through
  • Fixed NPCs at the Arctic Research Base being able to respawn when players were nearby
  • Fixed the locomotive pushing other train wagons too hard, causing them to zoom away. They now get pushed more realistically
  • Fixed the F1 console allowing rich text to affect the printed response
  • Fixed modular car code locks changing to show a green light instead of the intended red if the player left and re-entered network range
  • Fixed not being able to spray decals on Half Walls, Low Walls, Doorways and Windows when using the Shipping Container skin
  • Fixed edge case that would occasionally result in a player becoming invisible in train tunnel elevators
  • Fixed submarine able to kill players though a surface
  • Fixed Spray Can not appearing in craft menu when searching for “can”
  • Fixed some meshes in Outpost not lowering detail properly
  • Fixed a variety of locations in cave structures that would render incorrectly
  • Helicopters now play damaged FX alongside destroyed FX when crashing
  • Fixed snow effects not working on a bunch of entities
  • Fixed backpacks remaining locked when killed during surrendering
  • Fixed clearinventory command NREs
  • Fixed the recently added modded prevent building prefabs not working as intended
  • Fixed wallpaper store page wainscoting preview not cycling through variations
  • Fixed paddling and above ground pools showing power usage 0
  • Fixed truncated text in various UI screens for certain languages
  • Fixed a few English typos across the game
  • Fixed instant camera world model LODs
  • Fixed not being able to move after closing canvas drawing UI with chat open
  • Fixed placement of deployables on water from underwater
  • Fixed blueprints not being able to be learned from the player's backpack
  • Fixed admins in god mode taking 1 bleed damage on fall
  • Fixed lockers having no condition when picked up


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