Devblog 92
The new year brings a fresh start for everyone in Rust. This update wipes the servers, including blueprints, and brings changes to aiming, world generation, stability, music, voice chat, and more.
The new year brings a fresh start for everyone in Rust. This update wipes the servers, including blueprints, and brings changes to aiming, world generation, stability, music, voice chat, and more.
Welcome to all the new owners of Rust! Here's what your fellow players get up to when they're not chasing you down and robbing your corpse.
<span style="font-weight: 400;">A year ago I posted </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">this blog</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> where I reviewed what we had done that year, and layed out our plans for upcoming year. It's probably a good idea to do that again.</span>
You've all been naughty, but that hasn't stopped Santa visiting Rust.
Lots and lots of bug fixing in the run up to the holidays. But there's also sleeping bag spawn tweaks, some sexy new rocks, music, and more.
Dare you enter the... oh, you just walked right in.
Patch day is here, with lots of changes. The servers are wiping so the new dungeons can loom over the landscape. There's also procgen changes, you can rebind keys, the Eoka has had a buff, reloading is much snappier, and lots more.
What it's like to have a broken heart in Rust. If you have a heart, that is.