The Hot Air Balloon Update
Up, up and away... Hot Air Balloons are in, along with anti-air missiles to take them down. There's a new type of Cargo Ship, nerfs, and more. This patch wipes the servers. Enjoy!
Up, up and away... Hot Air Balloons are in, along with anti-air missiles to take them down. There's a new type of Cargo Ship, nerfs, and more. This patch wipes the servers. Enjoy!
All aboard! The Cargo Ship event is live. The CCSC Lazarus patrols the waters, packed with Scientists and loot. We've also added the L96 rifle, a new scope, tactical gloves, and more. This patch wipes the servers. Enjoy!
We took this month to focus heavily on performance, with lots of optimization. Let us know how we did. We also have a look at some upcoming additions: a new boat event, slot machines, and more. This patch wipes the servers. Enjoy!
Bandits have made camp in our new swamps. You can trade, bet in their casino, or even take them on with the new Compound Bow. This patch wipes the servers.
A new Team UI is here, alongside the jackhammer, a deployable watchtower, and more. This patch wipes the servers.
Apologies for the delay. The new monument puzzles lie in wait for you, a look at the new swampy bandit town, custom maps are coming, and more. This patch wipes the servers and blueprints.
We added a scientist protected compound, where players can gather and 'safely' do business. There's also scuba gear and underwater dive sites for you to explore, first-person clothing, and more. This patch wipes the maps, but your blueprints are retained.
Player-driven boats are here, a new helicopter event hits the servers, lusher forests are growing, we look at a new PvE monument, and more.
We're back, and this time we're bringing chainsaws, the SPAS-12 shotgun, new foliage, the first look at the new helicopter, and lots more. This patch wipes the maps, but your blueprints will carry over.