Devblog 74
Soiled clothing.
Soiled clothing.
Put your finest wolf head on and scrape the dried blood off of your trousers -- we're going to an art gallery.
Fixing PvP, networked headlook, server backups, and more.
The community's been busy imagining robots prowling the land, beancan security cameras, SWAT-team shack assaults, Shia Labeouf, and more.
A complete rework of the blueprint system means a full wipe--including your stored BPs--this week. We also updated the Sphere Tank monument, upgraded the procedural generation, added public utilities to help solo players mine and craft, and more.
Brains, Ninja Turtles, and bloody hearts. We've rounded up some cool designs from the new Rust Steam Workshop.
You can now design in-game shirts and trousers for the Steam Workshop! We also added new compound walls, (hopefully) stopped people building in rocks, vastly improved server performance, and more.
Gorgeous fan-art, a 3D base planning app, homicidal clergy, and more.
A pretty huge, game changing update this week. Possibly the biggest change to the game since the reboot.