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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Enabled Halloween Events
  • Enabled build a monster
  • Added Portals
  • Added Hockey Facemask
  • Added Cultist Deer Torch
  • Added Baseball Bat


  • Improved Halloween NPC behavior
  • Improved Jack O Lantern effects
  • Improved skull spike effects
  • Improved Candle Light effects
  • Added event audio slider to the options menu
  • Added a toggle electrical input for strobe lights
  • Added a toggle electrical input to the fog machine
  • Mace +10 damage (Now inline with other two-handed weapons)


  • Fixed Halloween NPCs


  • Added Lumberjack suit
  • Added concrete hatchet
  • Added concrete pickaxe
  • Added prototype hatchet
  • Added prototype pickaxe
  • Added region server tags
  • Added Hardcore gamemode techtree tax


  • Updated Campfire model
  • Updated furnace VFX
  • Updated campfire VFX
  • Updated cauldron VFX
  • Improved server listings
  • Update tag search behavior
  • Added an option to cap framerate to 15 while window isn't in focus
  • Improved visibility of clusters of vending machines on map
  • Horse idle animations will no longer be synced
  • Radio stations can now be updated mid-month without releasing client/server updates
  • Added world position/seed/size to the F8 performance overlay (see debug.showWorldInfoInPerformanceReadout convar)
  • Added "entcount" convar that returns all entities placed by a given player
  • Added "authcount" convar that returns all TC's/Locks that a given player is authed to
  • Can now toggle render layers in demos
  • Improved train behaviour at end of line points
  • Modular Car camper module can now be looted from the outside after the vehicle has been destroyed
  • Furnace all slots now cook at the same time.
  • Added progress bar when smelting items
  • New burning icon for items
  • Add a button to clear filters in the server browser
  • Reimplemented dropdown menus in the options menu
  • Train fuel wagons now contain more low grade fuel
  • Debris building blocker now immune to explosive damage
  • Added Hardcore gamemode Techtree tax
  • Increased car storage module size from 18 to 48
  • Increased Camper storage 12 to 18
  • Increased Saddle bags 6 to 12
  • Updated EAC to EAC EOS
  • Updated inventory item handling sounds
  • Added vent door open/close sounds (small radius)


  • Fixed not being able to pickup wooden signs
  • Further reduced chance of trees blocking ziplines
  • Fixed some moving entities (horses, vehicles, etc) disappearing in demos
  • Fixed some viewmodel sway issues in demos
  • Player corpse ragdolls now collide with vehicles instead of passing through them
  • Fixed a number of issues relating to ores dropping out of furnaces when overfilling.
  • Fixed horses falling through the middle of the ramp construction block
  • Fixed several out of bounds exploits
  • Fixed viewmodels not appearing after reconnecting if player disconnects while gesturing
  • Fixed hurt punch screen overlay occurring when the debug cam is active
  • Fixed Chocolate item description, icon, shortname from "chocholate" to "chocolate"
  • Fixed two of the water treatment plant cylinders making the environment super dark when standing inside them
  • Fixed reflection probe / ambient light updating slower than intended
  • Fixed several spawn populations theoretically being allowed to spawn on rail
  • Fixed gate external stone gates displaying incorrectly at a distance
  • Fixed fireplace output slots
  • Fixed the very first right-click of a vehicle module from player inventory into a vehicle on it modular car lift eating the module.


  • Added Hardcore game mode


  • Better line of sight check when deploying sleeping bags and beds
  • Slightly better mesh level of detail and batching performance
  • Hapis Island: The two big road tunnels have been reworked and improved.
  • Trees should no longer block ziplines
  • Use a single pickup UI widget when hitting resources
  • Add global.consolescale convar to change font size in console
  • Distant gunshot sounds are more muffled and reverberant
  • The nailgun attack is quieter
  • Added a new option in the experimental settings to enable Optimized Loading for faster loading on SSDs


  • Fixed rail mesh sometimes not being completely smooth
  • Fixed exception at server startup on certain map seeds
  • Fixed edge case where player could receive fall damage after respawn
  • Fixed camera snapping after closing inventory on OSX
  • Hapis Island: Fixed roads surface clipping.
  • Hapis Island: Fixed all the little cliff holes we've identified and had reported.
  • Hapis Island: Various other bugfixes.
  • Fixed sprays lasting too long when sprayed indoors
  • Fixed "Too close to monument..." messages appearing incorrectly when attempting to build
  • Fixed some cases where changing spectator target while first person spectating wouldn't hide the player's body
  • Fixed not being able to delete items in UGC browser
  • Fixed players on train tracks sometimes parenting to an oncoming train instead of taking damage from it
  • Fixed Twitch Rivals trophy clipping through the world when dropped
  • Fixed Sign collisions
  • Fixed Small sign being unable to be deployed on boxes
  • Fixed Water flickering when using TSAA has been resolved


  • Above-ground rail network now connects to Trainyard
  • New resource wagons can be unloaded at Trainyard
  • New Locomotive train engine
  • New ambient lighting model
  • New monument lights
  • Added light switches to monuments
  • Added Flash bang grenade
  • Added Molotov cocktail


  • Updated layout of contacts page
  • Added server.clearugcentity convar to clear a piece of content (takes an entity id)
  • Added global.clearugcentitiesinrange to clear all content within a range of a position
  • Improved LOD system on modding prefabs from last month
  • Added Toggle ADS option
  • Improved performance when hitting resources
  • Improved performance when entering network range of NPC's
  • Improved performance when near underground tunnel entrances
  • Slightly improved rendering performance in monuments
  • Improved performance of UGC admin browser when lots of content is on a server
  • Added 6 new radio stations
  • Boom boxes connected to speakers should now more reliably play in sync
  • Increased maximum length of server radio stations list to 1024 characters (was 256)
  • Increased size of radio station picker
  • Show the genetics of plant clones being sold in vending machines (in-person and via drone)
  • Updated Wooden Signs models and textures to be higher res and have a more even paintable surface area
  • Improved Cliff Collision - A number of cliff colliders have been improved, making them easier to climb
  • Scrap Tea now yields more scrap and lasts longer
  • Underwater labs size decreased by up to 75%


  • Fixed tech tree path counter not working properly on T1 tech trees
  • Fixed demos failing to play if the local player died during recording
  • Fixed several mountables not properly showing the characters head moving while mounted
  • Fixed radio playback becoming distorted if a player leaves audible range of the Boom Box but is still in range of Connected Speakers
  • Fixed a long standing bug causing invalid projectiles when mounted to vehicles


  • Above-ground Work Cart train engine wagon-pulling power has been reduced


  • Added tiled cube prefabs for community map makers
  • Added chat filtering


  • Improved M39 DPS and recoil
  • Lowered F1 grenade fuse time to 2.5s (was 3.0s)
  • Shotgun slugs have reduced damage falloff
  • Achievement todo list is now disabled if game tips are turned off in the game options
  • Added a crosshair while free spraying with a Spray Can
  • Increased the default number of sprays per player (25 -> 40)
  • Can now Mute and Report players from the Contacts screen
  • Z/C/Y keys no longer control zoom when in free camera (replaced with debugcamera_zoomin and debugcamera_zoomout binds)
  • Added debugcamera_raise and debugcamera_lower binds instead of hardcoding to Q/E
  • Added physical camera convars for the debug camera
  • Added camera info overlay command for the debug camera
  • Kayak now faces away from the player deploying by default
  • Mailbox, BBQ, Medium Battery and Windmill now face toward the player by default
  • (CUI) Add support for vertical overflow on Text components
  • Updated player inventory idle animation
  • Added interaction sounds for small loot containers (food, medical, tech, ammunition, etc)
  • Updated generic loot crates with existing interaction sounds
  • Hapis Island: Added 3 new monuments
  • Jackhammer will hit hotspot every time without tap firing
  • Torch despawns after 30 seconds
  • Dropped backpacks will despawn after 30 seconds for rocks + torches
  • Streamer mode will hide map name in server browser
  • Can insert photos into mailbox
  • `benchmark_demo {demo}` command to run the benchmark on different demos
  • Can connect '' without a port on the end
  • Servers will no longer show the name of the custom map, only "Custom Map" if they are running one
  • Optimized bulk loading assets from bundles
  • Improved hide blood option
  • Added hurt flash disable option
  • m249 is slightly more aggressive
  • HMLMG recoil is more aggressive
  • Lowered HMLMG durability
  • Increased HMLMG crafting cost
  • Using scopes on weapons now increases their recoil
  • Reduced blur/blood effects
  • Accuracy bonus removed from the silencer


  • Fixed first shot while ADSing sometimes playing the non-ADS fire animation
  • Fixed missing deploy sound for combat knife
  • Fixed missing sounds for smoke grenades and supply signals
  • Fixed missing crosshairs and camera movement while first person spectating
  • Fixed smoke grenade effects not working correctly with first person spectating
  • Fixed horses not properly moving with elevators
  • Fixed error with a particular configuration of items when making Low Grade at a Mixing Table
  • Fixed missing localization on progress bar when Hold to dismount is enabled
  • Fixed some deployable entities changing rotation every time they are selected on the belt
  • (CUI) Fixed some skin id's not loading correctly (PR#37)
  • Fixed some missing sfx on the Spray Can
  • Fixed an exploit when changing water quality
  • Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
  • Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
  • Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
  • Hapis Island: Fixed berries not spawning
  • Hapis Island: Fixed roadside spawns being overly scarce
  • Hapis Island: Fixed numerous other reported issues.
  • Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
  • Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
  • Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
  • Fixed animal headshots not playing hitmarker
  • Fixed exploit to let you keep last item in softcore
  • Fixed ability to shoot through armored window collider
  • Fixed exploit to keep shopfront standing when breaking wall frame
  • Fixed debris not created for walls on triangle foundations
  • Fixed research tables getting stuck researching


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