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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Added websocket rcon
  • Added reactive target deployable for target practice
  • Added entity destruction tracking (error when destroyed incorrectly)
  • Added decal.cache convar (refresh every frame vs. only when marked as dirty)


  • Updated EAC
  • Rcon things during load
  • Linux server now works (!)
  • Completely retired stability warmup on server start (much faster startup time)
  • Load balancer takes more time per frame when working off large queue backlogs
  • Made the kill console command kill immediately (instead of entering wounded state)


  • Fixed Thomson skin icons
  • Fixed armored foundation steps removing the sides of attached foundations
  • Fixed game object hierarchy errors caused by pooling when disabling player models
  • Fixed active item not dropping when killed without entering the wounded state first
  • Fixed trees, ores, barrels and collectables sometimes spawning midair near rocks
  • Fixed cargo plane propellers not fading into fog


  • Removed dynamic memory allocations from the deferred decal refresh


  • Added connection queue
  • Added new building conditional model system (performance, reliability, visuals)
  • Added placeholder geometry to buildings while their skin is loading


  • New seed planting sound
  • New spear throw sound
  • Right clicking items with loot open moves them to loot
  • Right clicking items in clothes slots moves them to the inventory
  • Right clicking items in the belt bar moves them to inventory
  • Improved and tweaked terrain shore wetness
  • Beachside objects, like rocks and driftwood, now getting wetness
  • Updated wood hammer vm anims
  • Reduced stuttering caused by entity despawning when leaving networking groups
  • Load balanced worker items are processed by priority
  • Made mesh batch refreshes faster in certain situations
  • Made external walls and window bars use the simplified building block entity
  • Converted entity events from OnDestroy to DoEntityDestroy (modders beware)
  • Retired “Construction Skin” physics layer (modders beware)


  • Fixed unreliable saving


  • Added skins
  • Added "ent who" command for admins (echos entity creator)
  • Added command "clear" to clear the console
  • Added command "copy" to copy the console to clipboard


  • New rock/concrete melee impact sounds
  • Enabled server violation score kicking by default
  • Re-enabled prefab pooling (performance)
  • Made pool.prefabs and pool.assets console commands take an optional filter argument
  • Tweaked external wall gate LOD ranges
  • Converted all deployables to the planner system (quality of life)
  • Improved server side building decay performance
  • Allowed tree.quality and mesh.quality convars to be > 100
  • Made mesh and tree qualities > 100 push back billboard and cull distances
  • Wall frame inserts do the same construction layer checks as walls
  • Improved and optimized rainfall shader
  • Improved anti-aliasing
  • Tweaked important textures to work with trilinear filtering and anisotropic
  • Increased resolution on some props with extremely low resolution textures
  • Improved skin shader
  • Brought back and improved shore wetness
  • Metal facemask protection levels lowered to that of chestplate
  • Codelock does higher shock damage for wrong codes
  • External wall health balance
  • Updated weapon mod icons
  • Updated EAC
  • Updated to Unity 5.3.2p3


  • Fixed invisible external wall gate doors in the distance
  • Fixed invisible barricades in the distance
  • Fixed decay points on interior foundations being buggy and unreliable
  • Fixed various deployable placement exploits on walls and rocks
  • Fixed some shader bugs in large monuments
  • Fixed low resolution terrain rocks
  • Fixed runtime shader errors causing invisible objects on Linux
  • Fixed culling not working properly on some objects
  • Fixed helicopter windows and rotors now fade into fog properly
  • Fixed horse hair to not fading into fog properly
  • Fixed DDOS amplification exploit in steam query
  • Fixed calling some RPCs when dead


  • Removed hand snapping into view on hatchet vm attack & hit anims
  • Removed traps deployables from common loot table (bp only)


  • Added sounds for all the new building parts
  • Added building stability serialization (faster server restarts and stability refreshes)


  • Item icons + data now build to the right folder
  • Network backend optimizations
  • New floor frames (grill and hatch)
  • Reduced video memory overhead by 144 MB
  • All collectables now use the load balanced LOD system
  • Updated some remaining physics calls to the new Unity physics API
  • Tweaked distribution of rocks and bushes


  • Fixed cupboard gib errors
  • Fixed water rendering error when screen size is reported as zero
  • Fixed warehouse floor decal
  • Fixed foundation stair placement being blocked next to triangle foundations
  • Fixed triangle foundation placement being blocked beneath floors


  • Removed cui.test
  • Removed a worst-case second raycast in the game trace code
  • Fixed potential signage NRE when server database was deleted


  • Added refresh_renderers console command (refreshes client renderer batches)
  • Added refresh_colliders console command (refreshes server collider batches)
  • Added various batching convars to customize client and server mesh batching
  • Added mesh batching to static quarry and pumpjack
  • Added scope


  • Dungeons LODs and lower batches improvements
  • Rocks LOD distance optimizations
  • New wall frames and wall frame blocks
  • Spectating admins are no longer networked
  • Enabled low vertex compression on all models
  • Updated steamworks to fix a problem with win32
  • Updated to Unity 5.3.2.p1
  • Pumpkin plants live a max 7 seasons
  • Pumpkin plants live a max 3 harvests
  • Optimized pumpkin plant LODs more aggressively
  • RCon is started immediately on server startup
  • Item icons and info are now dumped into Bundles/items/
  • RPC Cache memory optimizations
  • Network + Save cache memory optimizations
  • Made player movement more direct by removing horizontal camera smoothing
  • Server collider batches split when their vertex count gets too high
  • Improved laser and flashlight beam
  • Made flashlight beam invisible when looking dead at it
  • Flashlight beam has shadow texture
  • Narrowed flashlight beam in 1p/3p to 45 degrees


  • Fixed bug reporter errors
  • Fixed bind so that the second argument no longer needs quotes
  • Fixed occasional single frame UI text corruption
  • Fixed some UI elements being out of line
  • Fixed some LookingAt inaccuracy issues
  • Fixed missing or incorrect animal footsteps on a number of surface types
  • Fixed raid tower exploit using shelves
  • Fixed sleeping bag deployable and foundation exploits
  • Fixed transparent surface and particle atmospheric scattering
  • Fixed ambient lighting for particles and low quality speedtree fallbacks
  • Fixed being able to put codelock on airdrops


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