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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Improved water movement
  • Updated stone world model/physics
  • Radial reset for sleeping bags/beds
  • Can no longer throw melee tools underwater
  • Stuck projectiles spawn ontop of corpse if would fall through world
  • Healthbars (player and world objects) now round up instead of down
  • Can no longer heal underwater
  • Made impact sounds more consistent
  • Tweaked the m249 fire sound
  • Tweaked the metal hatchet impact sounds
  • Tweaked fall damage sounds
  • Made fall damage sounds only play when you take 20+ damage
  • Disabled the sounds in the new dungeons when far away (perf)
  • Set up voice limiting for some of the helicopter sounds


  • Fixed various lag exploits
  • Fixed foundation steps being unplaceable in certain situations
  • Fixed LODGroup errors on the keylock
  • Fixed lantern stacking / hiding exploit
  • Fixed nighttime water reflection highlights
  • Fixed floor / foundation overlap exploit
  • Fixed floating doors when placed next to stairs
  • Fixed embrasures and shutters randomly collapsing
  • Fixed being able to block monument entrances using signs
  • Missing footsteps on generic surfaces fixed
  • Building parts door frames see through fixed
  • Fixed ladders and painting frames clipping inside walls
  • Fixed rockets going through building parts
  • Fixed lock LOD distances
  • Fixed barrel/trashpile LOD distances
  • Fixed a couple little bugs with sound playback
  • Fixed footstep sounds not playing on surfaces with a generic material


  • Removed ability to place locks on some prefabs
  • Removed blood/battery/note from spawn tables


  • Added soft target impact sounds for a bunch of melee weapons
  • Added underwater world FX.


  • New m249 sounds
  • New snow and sand impact sounds
  • Lots of impact sound adjustments and fixes
  • New player body fall sounds
  • New player fall damage sounds
  • New stone external gate sounds
  • Cancelled crafts don't break the max stack rules
  • Pie menu sounds obey volume controls
  • New key bind (input) system
  • New window shutter sounds
  • New corpse fly swarm sounds
  • Adjusted bandage sounds
  • Adjusted ambient sounds
  • Adjusted large fire sounds
  • Improved skin shader
  • Improved snow FX.
  • Improved rain fullscreen FX.
  • Erm, dungeons greybox.
  • Reload happens automatically when switching ammo types
  • Reloading with only one ammo type is more responsive
  • Shotgun shell has +2 pellets
  • Eoka spread increased
  • Eoka damage increased
  • Handmade shell pellets doubled
  • Handmade shell damage per pellet halved
  • Melee range increased across the board
  • Lowered eoka cost
  • Ambient light improvements
  • All-new coastline generation
  • Big water streams towards the outer realms of the main island
  • Landmass bias towards the center of the island
  • Chance for small isolated islands off coast
  • Highland cliffs and canyons
  • New underwater environments (placeholder art)
  • Revamped tundra environment (placeholder art)
  • Snow biome is restricted to mountain tops
  • Rock material improvements
  • More natural mountain, hill and lake blending
  • Less artificial prefab terrain blending
  • Occasional barrels around powerlines
  • Slightly improved river-ocean transition
  • Better prefab mountains
  • Better lighthouse spawn rules
  • Better player spawn positions


  • Fixed real player names showing in corpse loot during streamer mode
  • Fixed steam inventory breaking with more than 128 items
  • Fixed weapons effects firing twice (!)
  • Fixed external gates frequently not playing open/close sounds
  • Fixed water bugs in DX9
  • Fixed water performance issues in quality 1 and 2
  • Fixed unlootable items if thrown under quarry hopper
  • Fixed rapidfire bow exploit
  • Fixed rockets detonating on shooter if fired while moving forward
  • Fixed repair door exploit
  • Fixed shelves being too strong (can now melee them)
  • Fixed key lock LOD causing it to disappear too soon
  • Fixed various building exploits
  • Fixed various deployable exploits
  • Fixed various LOD and batching issues
  • Fixed missing building gibs in certain situations
  • Fixed roofs being cheaper and more stable than walls (now identical)
  • Fixed admin cheat noclipping (antihack.admincheat convar)


  • Added a maxthreads convar (defaults to 8)


  • AK47 mesh updated
  • Bone club throwable
  • Atlased building parts
  • Atlased perimeter walls (stone/wood)
  • Large wood storage (chest) re-skin
  • Lantern optimizations
  • Made building in caves much more solid and enjoyable
  • Building deployables can now be rotated on placement by looking left and right
  • Enabled radial damage line of sight checks on the landmine
  • Landmine and timed explosives now use more robust line of sight checks
  • New ambient sound system
  • Lots of new ambient sounds
  • Lowgrade fuel craft sessions yield 4 instead of 3


  • LOD holes fixed on doorways (wood/metal)
  • Fixed field of view exploit
  • Fixed grass removal exploit
  • Fixed various “sphere test failed” building placement errors
  • Fixed various building block stacking exploits
  • Fixed a number of building deployable stacking exploits
  • Fixed various building block stability exploits
  • Fixed various issues that caused building stability to be unreliable
  • Fixed various cases where buildings would not update the stability of connected blocks
  • Fixed a regression that could make batched renderers invisible for a short time


  • Removed extra 5m tool cupboard placement prevention buffer


  • Added additional randomization to mining resources (server.salt convar)
  • Added murmur hashing for platform independent, reproducible hashes
  • Added pork
  • Added global.timewarning
  • Added window shutters
  • Added window embrasures
  • Added stone gate
  • Added shelves


  • Made static decor placement more resistant to mismatches
  • Made snow jacket single item with skins
  • Server query responds with misc server performance stats
  • Chat input is correctly limited
  • Unlocked doors can be picked up
  • Couple of generic texture improvements
  • Foundation.steps metal and stone hollowed
  • eoka spread reduced
  • spear charge time reduced
  • broken items can be researched
  • item condition accounts for 50% inverse instead of 100% of success chance
  • stone spear takes wooden spear
  • slightly reduced bullet damage
  • bone knife & eoka no longer fill up the uncommon spawn table (now common)
  • mace, longsword, large cleaver now uncommon instead of rare
  • salvaged sword common
  • higher chance for usable weapons/tools in radtowns
  • drastically reduced ammo found with weapons in radtowns
  • lowered ammo in found weapons
  • can no longer place campfires, furnaces, stashes under water
  • Bone club view model anim updates


  • Fixed sentry triangle foundation exploit
  • Fixed warehouse monument physic material
  • Fixed particles being far too bright at dusk and dawn
  • Fixed water not drawing on map
  • Fixed some sounds not adhering to volume control
  • Fixed shadow related memory leak (unity update)
  • turret exploits fixed
  • craft return exploits fixed


  • Removed a bunch of bush game objects from the server
  • Doors are now craftable items (removed from planner)
  • Window bars are now craftable items (removed from planner)


  • Added SaveList diagnostics to dump command
  • Added in game bug reporter (F7)
  • Added grass.displace (1|0)
  • Added network cache (better server performance)
  • Added bullet ricochet sounds
  • Added small stash dig sound
  • Added building upgrade sounds
  • Added large wood gate sounds
  • Added prefab preprocessing step to loading screen (prefabwarmup 1|0)
  • Added mesh batching to pumpjack and quarry
  • Added diagnostics to server spawn handler report
  • Added socket mod names to the socket placement fail messages
  • Added test radiation zone to CraggyIsland
  • Added seasonal lanterns
  • Added shadow settings to options menu


  • Rivers match ocean
  • Fogged rivers and lakes
  • Reduced the likelyhood of being kicked by VAC timeouts
  • Improved SQLite performance
  • Improved AI performance, allocations
  • New construction sounds
  • New melee cloth impact sounds
  • New melee grass impact sounds
  • Salvaged icepick deploy sound polish pass
  • Super distant gunshot sound polish pass
  • Rock sound doesn’t sound as much like a landslide
  • New survey charge sounds
  • Console text only refreshes if the console is visible
  • Console receives messages that have been logged before it has been opened
  • Ambient sounds load in a background thread
  • LOD grid no longer logs errors when objects move their cell
  • Switched building colliders to the new, more accurate collision system
  • Enabled server side collider batching by default
  • Switched server side line of sight / distance checks to the entity API
  • Updated EAC
  • Invalidate network cache properly when looting
  • ccommand does a clean save (skips caching)
  • Server shutdown saves skip caching
  • Moved F2 options menu to main menu


  • Fixed phantom playermodels
  • Fixed NRE when using give commands
  • Fixed EAC errors
  • Fixed pool sometimes not setting recycled pointer to null
  • Fixed doors not shutting clientside on first use
  • Fixed random “Look rotation viewing vector is zero” warnings
  • Fixed DDraw shader (old one was deprecated in Unity 5.2)
  • Fixed foundation pickaxe exploit
  • Fixed rocket and grenade damage against structures
  • Fixed mining quarry / pump jack sounds not turning off properly
  • Fixed mining quarry / pump jack sound pitch modifiers not being applied
  • Fixed radiation overlay never stopping its most recent sound
  • Fixed barricade / spikes / compound wall damage trigger effects
  • Fixed barricade placement on terrain being a pain in the ass
  • Fixed lantern sound errors
  • Fixed lantern spawning in the lit state
  • Fixed various sound issues when using prefab pooling
  • Fixed various sound issues related to voice limiting
  • Fixed grass hovering slightly above ground
  • Fixed forest grass texture stretching
  • Fixed supply signal effect instantiation errors
  • Fixed sound template serialization errors
  • Fixed various inaccurate building deploy volumes
  • Fixed building part rotation exploits
  • Fixed foundation cupboard exploits
  • Fixed server side batched colliders not refreshing after building part rotation
  • Fixed client not updating building block grades / protection properties locally
  • Fixed various building stability weirdnesses
  • Fixed furnace light shadows not fading out
  • Fixed potential NREs in server RPCs
  • Fixed trees being impossible to gather from if not standing at their base
  • Fixed certain situations that could spawn incorrect decals / particles
  • Fixed server DDOS by creating RPC errors
  • Fixed stability not always updating when placing new blocks
  • Fixed UI disappearing after pressing F4 or F9


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