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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Added Modular Cars
  • Added Airwolf


  • Can now push minicopters
  • Vehicle textures now visibly degrade as a vehicle takes damage
  • Doors/gates can no longer close while blocked by a vehicle
  • EAC SDK update
  • All vehicles send out network ticks immediately after they have a new position on the server to reduce input lag
  • Default world size is now 4500
  • Side roads are slightly wider
  • Smoother road layout (both vertically and horizontally)
  • Smoother road joining (at intersections)
  • Moved roadside decor slightly further away from the road
  • Slight road terrain offset tweak to prevent ground peaking through around intersections
  • Fully encapsulated bandit town in a safe zone
  • Animals no longer attack players in safe zones
  • You can no longer draw a weapon in a safe zone
  • Players who are not considered hostile take no damage in safe zones (anti roof camper) and sleepers are automatically killed after 20 minutes inside a safe zone instead of needing an NPC to find them
  • Many more recyclers were added to the compound.
  • Slightly increased blocker, combiner, branch, memorycell and rand switch culling distance
  • Large banners now decay when placed outside of building privilege
  • Increased minicopter decay time outdoors to 8 hours, inside to 36 hours


  • Fixed custom skins not appearing on third person models for most tools and melee weapons
  • Fixed some weapons not centering properly when aiming down sights on ultrawide resolutions (compound bow particularly)
  • Fixed tool cupboard getting destroyed if triangle spiral stairs were destroyed at other side of wall
  • Fixed world reflection quality 2 being too bright inside player buildings
  • Fixed roadside decor sometimes spawning on road at intersections
  • Fixed unable to mount sofas at bandit camp
  • Fixed allowing players to place items into minecart container
  • Fixed Jerry can clipping on rowboat
  • Fixed triangle grill and ladder hatch bounds
  • Fixed cave_updown_a inside terrain antihack false positive
  • Fixed HBHF sensor not receiving damage
  • Fixed small wooden box being deployed inside trees
  • Fixed NPCAutoTurrets shooting shopkeepers or conversation providers
  • Fixed repeating outs while near the Launch site monument (hopefully)
  • Fixed scope overlay size changing with UI scale


  • Added Rust+ tab to the main menu
  • Added pairing with the companion app (make sure `app.port` isn't firewalled!)
  • Added push notifications for when teammates join the server
  • Added push notifications for when you're killed when not playing
  • Added a deployable Smart Switch
  • Added a deployable Smart Alarm
  • Added a deployable button
  • Added detail layer parameters to the workshop editor (allows removal of "micronormals")
  • Added fuzz mask parameter to the workshop editor
  • Added Spiral Stairs and Triangle Spiral Stairs building blocks
  • Added Ramp and Steps building blocks (replace Foundation Steps)
  • Added Triangle Floor Frame building block
  • Added Triangle Ladder Hatch deployable
  • Added Triangle Floor Grill deployable
  • Added conditional wall corners to bases


  • Reduced memory allocations when updating your inventory
  • Reduced memory allocations when pressing buttons
  • Improvements to hair material for more natural looking shades
  • Improved server performance with Fluid IO Entities
  • Improved large furnace deployment
  • Updated Hapis Island vending machines


  • Fixed the workshop editor generating blank icons for wearables
  • Fixed the workshop editor erroring opening the mining hat
  • Fixed a white edge appearing on the generated workshop icons
  • Mostly fixed respawning underwater when oceanlevel is increased (avoid underwater islands for now)
  • Fixed some bits of code that were not pooling correctly
  • Fixed a bunch of NullReferenceException errors
  • Fixed game tip code allocating memory occasionally
  • Fixed a number of building exploits
  • Fixed a number of anti hack exploits
  • Fixed a number of anti hack false positives
  • Fixed 3rd person weapon attachment offsets
  • Fixed spas12 viewmodel - shell floating into shot during reload
  • Fixed a bunch of translation setup issues
  • Fixed Ch47 Event dropping hackablecrate at the same monument
  • Fixed a number of instant death zones inside Caves and Savas


  • Added farming vendor to Hapis Island outpost
  • Added new Powered Water Purifier
  • Added new Fluid Combiner
  • Added new Water Pump
  • Added night vision goggles
  • Added electric Heater


  • Oilrig hackable crates now inside red keycard puzzle area
  • No longer able to bypass monument puzzles using helicopters
  • Updated bootstrap loading UI
  • Hitting food boxes no longer flags the player as hostile
  • Drop boxes are now destroyed correctly when deployed near rocks
  • Solar panels now decay when placed outside building privilege
  • Sprinklers now decay when placed outside building privilege
  • Chairs now decay when placed outside building privilege
  • Red key card can now only be used twice
  • Sprinklers will now add wetness to players
  • Sprinklers will now put out fires
  • Sprinklers can now be powered by salt water (will have same effect as splashing salt water)
  • Added fluid input/output ports to campfire water purifier
  • Combined power on/off electrical inputs on Fluid Switch & Pump into a single Toggle input
  • Water Jug now holds 5000ml instead of 4000ml
  • Improved visual states on Fluid Switch (powered/unpowered/on/off)
  • Hardiness genes now boost temperature happiness
  • Removed "unknown genes" and gene display from consumable item info panel
  • Increased minimum temperature inside a planter box
  • Increased growth and yield gene effectiveness
  • Lowered optimal water saturation amount for planter boxes
  • Enabled incremental GC on Linux servers
  • Smoke grenade available at compound once again
  • Changed default string handling to only allow safe strings without control characters
  • Faster server entity hiding
  • Faster server file storage
  • Enabled Linux server incremental GC
  • Projectile frame rate is now independent from the physics frame rate
  • Habor monuments now have triple the barrel spawns and oil barrels.


  • Fixed research table deployment at harsh angles
  • Fixed Compound "Extra1" vending matchine incorrectly reverting to weapons
  • Fixed being able to loot power plant puzzle loot through a gap in the window
  • Fixed players getting stuck on train yard and water treatment plant rooftops
  • Fixed large and small candles being destroyed when placed on top of a deployable
  • Fixed Monument SAM sites been destroyed with melee weapons & tools
  • Fixed tooltips being able to go off the side of the screen (most noticeable on Respawn button)
  • Fixed slight rounding error on campfire water purifier conversion process
  • Fixed some incorrect information when mousing over IO ports on Fluid Switch
  • Fixed electrical battery not draining after a server restart in some cases
  • Fixed ch47 not dropping crates on land
  • Fixed being able to loot airdrop crates with minicopter
  • Fixed wheeled vehicles not being able to drive or fly into the Launch Site lowered area
  • Fixed players attempting to swim when mounting vehicles that are underwater
  • Fixed minicopter using the hot air balloon decay time value instead of its own
  • Fixed Gas Station fridge door being positioned incorrectly at lower LOD, and having no collider
  • Fixed edge case that caused roadside monuments to spawn upside down
  • Fixed 14 exploits and vulnerabilities


  • Enabled Easter Event
  • Added Nest Hat item
  • Added Rustigé Egg - Ivory item
  • Added Rustigé Egg - Purple item


  • Updated Facepunch branding
  • Added teleport2marker to teleport you to your marker point on the map (admins)
  • Ceiling light now casts light two floors down for plants
  • Sprinkler now waters plants two floors down


  • Fixed being unable to use teleport2owneditem when the player is offline+dead (provide a steamID instead) (admins)
  • Fixed teleporting to random AI when using teleport when player was not found (admins)
  • Fixed teleport2me teleporting a random bot sometimes when the player was not found (admins)


  • Upgraded to Unity 2019.3
  • Added Hose Tool item
  • Added Fluid Switch & Pump item
  • Added Fluid Splitter item
  • Reworked plant growth systems
  • Added plant resiliences
  • Added potato plants
  • Added potato consumable
  • Added plant fiber item
  • Added composter deployable
  • Added fertilizer item
  • Added horse dung item
  • Horses now produce horse dung
  • Added plant genetics
  • Cloning now transfers genetics
  • Added plant crossbreeding
  • Horses now trigger landmines
  • Added new farming related vendors at bandit town and outpost


  • Optimized navmesh generation at server startup (now at least 4x faster)
  • Added additional DOS attack preventative measures
  • Added liquid sockets for hoses on Large Water Catcher, Small Water Catcher and Water Barrel
  • Keylocks stackable to 10
  • Water purifier processes water twice as fast
  • Water purifier stores twice as much water
  • Moved airfield CCTV camera so it's not overlooking recycler
  • Planters are now stackable


  • Fixed a number of high profile DOS attack vulnerabilities
  • Fixed drive select button in workshop save UI not working
  • Fixed water mesh in water bucket appearing distorted
  • Fixed being able to mount ladders through windows
  • Fixed large water catcher placement on terrain
  • Fixed large floor spikes placement on terrain
  • Fixed Windmill vane culling


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