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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Can equip a trumpet in Auto Turrets
  • New optional UI when playing demos (see demo.hud convar)
  • New admin/content creator commands to control weather effects on their client (adminclouds, adminfog, adminwind, adminrain)
  • New convar to set the cloud rotation (cloudrotation)
  • New admin/content creator command to disable underwater bubble effects (underwater_effect)
  • New replicated admin convar to change the ocean level for everyone on the server (oceanlevel)
  • New console command to add a value to a convar (for example, meta.add oceanlevel 0.1)
  • Add support for binding key combinations (for example, bind [leftshift+x] kill)
  • Added experimental Steam netcode
  • Added CCTV Camera support
  • Added Computer Station
  • Added Electrical Item information panel


  • Shotgun traps now work in underwater caves.
  • Can now switch between multiple demos on the same map/seed without having to disconnect
  • Show a more helpful message when trying to build in a monument or too close to another building
  • Pressing escape now closes the report dialog
  • Road meshes now use several LODs (performance)
  • Roadside monuments can spawn next to both main roads and side roads
  • Place roadside monuments after all other monuments so they don't take space away from large monuments
  • Default world size is now 4250 (from 4000) to give monuments slightly more space to spawn in with the new ring road


  • Fixed blur effect staying on screen during a demo if the demo was playing back in slow motion
  • Fixed hostility flag being reset when you die and disconnect from the server
  • Fixed custom map markers disappearing when you die and disconnect from the server
  • Fixed some item info labels disappearing at odd window resolutions
  • Fixed demos failing to load if you have previously connected to a server without restarting the game
  • Fixed gun aim jumping after you finish shooting while mounted in a vehicle
  • Fixed igniter not igniting candles
  • Fixed downloading models from the workshop item editor when there's more than one model file
  • Fixed not being able to use demo.skip command once a demo has finished playing
  • Fixed exception when looking at entity that is returned to the pool
  • Fixed horse leaning exploits
  • Fixed sleeper parenting exploits
  • Fixed a seemingly endless amount of scrap transport helicopter exploits
  • Fixed even more explosive ammo, fire arrow and incendiary rocket exploits
  • Fixed various projectile trajectory exploits
  • Fixed exploits to create tool cupboards that belong to external / faraway bases
  • Fixed "changing network group to null" server warning spam
  • Fixed a number of IO entity networking glitches
  • Fixed AI weapon usage throwing lists from the memory pool to the garbage collector
  • Fixed several small client side projectile pooling issues
  • Fixed cargo ship sometimes spawning out of world bounds and immediately killing its scientists
  • Fixed cjk player names not showing in team dock
  • Fixed item name not showing in inventory under cjk


  • Removed ring road from maps smaller than 4k since it takes away too much space


  • Added .mid file support for instruments.playrecording
  • Added stats to death screen
  • Added support for Steam Rich Presence
  • Added support for Steam Friend Groups
  • Added support for MIDI sustain pedal input
  • Added global.teleport2owneditem to teleport admin to a players items
  • Added player.wakeupall command to wake up all sleepers (cinematography)
  • Added player.copyrotation to copy the rotation of a player to a target player (cinematography)
  • Added player.mount to mount a given player to the target mountable (cinematography)
  • Added two lane ring road
  • Added Modular Turrets
  • Added save cfg on exit
  • Added Message of the day (motd convar)
  • Added Support for temporarily banning players (s,m,h,d,w,M,y)
  • Added Allow typing when the console autocomplete is active


  • Improved placement logic for tree hit markers
  • Changed supermarket, gas station and warehouse to roadside monuments
  • Only spawn prefab mountains on 5k maps or larger
  • Can no longer build or deploy on roads
  • Introduced sane upper limits for monument and cave counts
  • Reduced object count on 5k maps or larger (server performance)
  • Abandoned cabins is now a tier 0 monument
  • Use morphed custom meshes for roads and rivers
  • Cull river and road meshes at 1000m distance
  • Much cheaper and more effective Horse Armor


  • Fixed SAM sites in monuments not regenerating if server restarts while the site is destroyed
  • Fixed player not being able to wake up if they died while the chat box was open
  • Fixed "Musical Maestro" achievement not unlocking correctly (play an instrument to trigger it)
  • Fixed several vehicle parenting trigger bugs and exploits
  • Fixed road mesh normals
  • Fixed Auto Turret bounds so they can no longer be hurt through walls
  • Fixed players being able to lag out the server with 1000 fireworks
  • Fixed sleeping bags taking 4 days to decay outdoors
  • Fixed Quit button delay
  • Fixed autoturrets retaliating against SAM sites when they accidentally get hit
  • Fixed an item being lost when a corpse with full inventory despawns, the item that can't fit into the backpack will get thrown onto the floor now


  • Disabled xmas event


  • Xmas content enabled


  • Reduced chance of tree minigame markers going under the ground


  • Fixed high bite protection causing animal attacks to heal the player
  • Fixed monument labels on map flickering when adding/removing markers
  • Fixed scientist loot panel displaying random numbers - now reads "Scientist"
  • Fixed being able to reload chainsaw while attacking
  • Fixed not being able to save workshop models from the Workshop UI
  • Fixed a duplicate MIDI binding on the bass guitar
  • Fixed the sharp note bindings not working on instruments
  • Fixed multiple exploits


  • Added Instrument DLC
  • You can now see your body when you look down
  • Added admin.killplayer <playername>
  • Added admintime - which allows an admin to change their local time
  • Replaced admin.mutevoice/admin.mutechat with admin.mute (mutes both)
  • Can also mute sleeping players
  • Added admin.mutelist
  • Can call combatlog command from rcon/console
  • Added camzoomspeed and camlookspeed for debug camera (cinematography)
  • Added world grid / world streaming (load time, memory and performance optimization)
  • Global chat can now be disabled using the muteglobal convar, or in the interface options. This allows you to disable global chat but keep team chat and server messages
  • Added a "Copy Text" chat popup menu item, which will copy the selected message and username to your clipboard


  • Load times should be much improved for non SSD users
  • Dedicated server output messages are formatted differently
  • Server sends a chat message when a user is banned due to anti-cheat
  • Reduced chance of tree marker jumping to other side of tree after being hit
  • Bumped immediate network visibility distance to 128m (from 64m) to give more notice for SAM sites
  • Optimized player hair mesh memory and dressing performance
  • Optimized monument mesh memory
  • Added more textures to streaming pool


  • Reduced seeded player scale differences to make things fairer
  • Dedicated server startup is less spammy
  • Fixed scrap transport helicopter exploit
  • Fixed deployable placement exploit / hack
  • Fixed rare case when entity could remain parented after leaving parenting trigger
  • Fixed rare server error after entity left parenting trigger
  • Fixed rare error when canceling loading mid world transfer
  • Fixed several sign exploits / hacks
  • Fixed several weapon exploits / hacks
  • Fixed a crash when players with their OS set to certain languages receive a team invite
  • Fixed items with very long names being truncated incorrectly and looking rubbish
  • Fixed supply signal visual effect not always displaying correctly
  • Ground footstep sound effects no longer play when scuba diving and walking on sea bed
  • Players can no longer access Christmas tree items in building blocked areas (no more stealing)
  • Fixed the team UI showing the original (non-streamer mode) player name when receiving a team invite. Same for the chat notification
  • Fixed glass of ignited lanterns invisible when viewed through reinforced glass windows
  • Fixed footsteps missing / stop when the player is culled
  • Fixed see through water when jumping / alt look while on a boat
  • Fixed wrecked sedan and warehouse instances on HapisIsland
  • Fixed pink military tunnel materials on HapisIsland
  • Fixed lighting issues with some semi-transparent models under fluorescent bulbs


  • Can no longer order servers by wipe date due to abuse by server owners


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