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What’s changed on Rust in each patch.



  • Added procedural underwater labs
  • Added submarines
  • Added Fishing
  • Added 8 new types of fish
  • Added Sharks
  • Added Spear Gun
  • Added side maintenance tunnels at underground train stations, where the work cart trains are now kept
  • Added 32 new prefabs for map makers


  • Improved loot from small underwater crates
  • Reduced untie time from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Can now copy and paste phone numbers from the telephone dialling screen
  • Added a button to copy the current phone's number in the dialling UI
  • Wires will now snap to the socket position and not the surface behind the IO object
  • Can now left click a filled IO socket to limit the animation to just that socket
  • Can now press RMB while placing wires to remove the last placed point (hold RMB to clear the whole line)
  • Improved performance, memory usage and initial buffering behaviour when streaming internet audio
  • Show IO information in crafting panel
  • Boom boxes connected to the same URL should now play in sync with each other and only use a single web stream
  • Improved beat detection on dance floor, sound lights, and laser lights
  • Improved fishing village spawning (more of them on smaller maps, better coastline coverage)
  • Recycler right-click item transfer now rejects items that can't be recycled, doesn't move them to the input
  • Right-click moving items to recycler now stops once the input slots are full, doesn't start filling output slots
  • Made it easier to jump onto the underground rail platforms while standing on the train tracks
  • Improved swamp fog visually
  • Toned down CCTV blur
  • Reduced hurt/cold/hot overlay
  • Deluxe xmas lights now allow passthrough
  • Small sign can now be placed on deployables


  • Fixed audio level on thrown cassette recorders
  • Fixed thrown cassette recorders not playing when coming into network range
  • Fixed wires sometimes not displaying when placed at the maximum distance
  • Fixed ice lakes never spawning
  • Fixed prefab mountains not spawning on large maps
  • Fixed shore wetness being applied deep underwater
  • Fixed a graphics.uiscale value of 0.8 hiding the search text on the crafting screen when at 1080p
  • Turned the exception from a failed 'connect' console command into a warning. It now shows up in the UI and as a warning in the console, instead of in the UI and as red exception text
  • If a player is killed while inside a hurt trigger (e.g. barbed wire), always kill them immediately - same as if they'd died by the hurt trigger itself
  • Fixed swamp fog lit at night from 750m
  • Fixed pump jack floating decals


  • Added Voice Props DLC Pack
  • Added circular train tunnel stairwell piece
  • Added crawling state when wounded
  • Added Countryside Tunnel Entrances
  • Added Tree Birds
  • Added Cassette Recorder (DLC)
  • Added 3 lengths of cassette (DLC)
  • Added Boom Box (DLC)
  • Added Portable Boom Box (DLC)
  • Added 3 dance gestures (DLC)
  • Added Megaphone (DLC)
  • Added Microphone Stand (DLC)
  • Added Music Light (DLC)
  • Added Music Lasers (DLC)
  • Added Disco Floor (Multiple variants)(DLC)
  • Added Connected speaker (DLC)
  • Added Mobile Phone (DLC)
  • Added 7 achievements (DLC)
  • Added DLSS
  • Added Render scale options
  • Added some requested cubes for map makers /modding/cubes


  • Train tunnel stairwells and elevator shafts are much shorter
  • Train tunnel entrances no longer have to rotate after placement
  • Rowboats are now easier to flip back over by pushing
  • Updated Primitive Lootbox Sound
  • Airfeild Monument AI
  • Train yard Monument AI
  • Binoculars only show nametag pips during the day
  • Reduced nametag pop-in delay
  • Enable kicks for inside terrain antihack
  • Stricter inside terrain antihack
  • Hitch & trough can now be placed down narrow triangle passages
  • Disable alt cursor outside of demos (spectate)
  • Improved AI Responsiveness when the server is under heavy load
  • Improved Rowboat flip


  • Fixed "Lost Soul AR" skin
  • Fixed "Chocolate Egg" skin
  • Fixed damage sometimes not applying to elevator passengers, stating "player_distance" in combat log
  • Fixed If players recover from being wounded, they can't get wounded again within one minute
  • Fixed invisible nametags at certain angles
  • Fixed Huge wooden sign no longer breaks after upgrading and rotating wall
  • Fixed fireworks not firing due to server side budget issues
  • Fixed compound missing catcher catcher
  • Fixed unable to click drink icon when overlapping with the box
  • Fixed Lost Soul AR 42106 / 2426264628 Chocolate Egg 42200 / 2439077520 skins
  • Fixed admins getting kicked when logging out under terrain
  • Fixed invalid shots while players were using lifts
  • Fixed Minicopter "push" appearing whilst mounted
  • Fixed bear LODs
  • Fixed tabbing F1 menu cycling
  • Fixed 'nowgao' in contacts UI
  • Fixed players mouths not moving when voice chatting
  • Fixed players sometimes glitching into the WorkCart cabin

Known Issues

  • Shore flickering


  • New Demo shot system
  • Contact system
  • Rust+ IFTTT integration


  • Don't spawn harbors in tight places where they end up adjusting the coastline opposite to them (looks bad, leads to glitchy topologies)
  • Full rewrite of monument prefab prioritization when determining their spawn locations and which monuments not to spawn if there isn't enough space for all of them
  • Changed giant excavator monument to default priority
  • Changed mining_quarry_c monument to default priority
  • Can now press Reload to change the colour of placed electrical wires and hoses
  • Added a tooltip when first using a grenade to explain the controls
  • Prevented tree X markers from travelling too far down the tree
  • Ladder hatches that hit a vehicle while opening will now cancel their animation (like regular doors)
  • Allow gestures to be used while mounted on Secretlab chair
  • Reduced road vehicle wrecks to lessen the impact on roadside junkpiles
  • Improved small battery placement
  • Small battery can now be rotated before deployment
  • Small battery can now be deployed on tables / boxes
  • Censorplayerlist now enabled by default on servers
  • Rock colliders improved, still requires continued work
  • Community cards and chips are now shown on the poker table itself


  • Fixed certain monuments sometimes spawning partially underwater
  • Fixed terrain height artifacts that were causing extreme slopes on certain seeds
  • Fixed edge case where tunnel entrance would not connect to tunnel network
  • Fixed tunnel network gap when two stations were spawned right next to each other and a tunnel tried to cross them
  • Fixed harbors and fishing villages spawning at ridiculous slopes
  • Fixed edge case that could make rivers overlap each other
  • Fixed being able to break Injured animation by playing a gesture
  • Fixed demos over an hour not displaying time correctly in the demo list
  • Fixed being able to shoot over a ledge while in a beach chair at extreme height differences
  • Fixed some headgear blocking vision while injured (Lunar New Year masks, NVG goggles, etc)
  • Fixed M39 viewmodel sometimes ejecting two shells every shot
  • Sleeping players will no longer blink
  • Fixed some potential gib errors when destroying bases (likely resulting in a disconnect)
  • Fixed Storage Monitor bounds, often causing LOS to fail resulting in not sending the paring notification to app
  • Fixed several minor Work Cart train bugs

Known Issues

  • Icelakes not generating on procedural maps - this will be fixed in July's update.
  • Bone error in SkeletonProperties - this is a harmless server warning which can be ignored. We're investigating the cause.


  • New generation cliff placement and cliff visuals
  • New terrain visuals
  • New terrain clutter visuals
  • New terrain foliage visuals
  • New cliffs and rocks visuals
  • New roadside junkpiles
  • New forest populations
  • New Satellite Dish Monument
  • New Junkyard monument
  • New workshop scene
  • New ice sheets visuals and spawn rules
  • New young and dead pine tree variants
  • Updated Sewer Branch monument
  • Updated Dome monument visuals and puzzle
  • Updated Trainyard monument middle and north sections for improved cover/flow, better visuals
  • Updated all monuments road connections to procedural roads to be more seamless
  • Larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter
  • Biome dependant foliage, foliage at monuments will display the right type for the biome they are in


  • Improved procedural terrain generation, ring road generation also improved as a result
  • Improved terrain grass displacement
  • Improved dynamic foliage to reduce floating over terrain
  • Improved lighting volumes inside Military Tunnels, no more shadow clip in the distance
  • Improved distant LODs for Oilrigs
  • Improved lighthouse visuals at night
  • Improved monuments 'fading' into procedural map, better looking player paper map visuals
  • Improved a large amount of colliders around which gun fight occurs whereby bullets were blocked before
  • Improved visuals at Bandit Camp
  • Optimized decor at Bandit Camp
  • Most of static art now uses shadow proxies for improved performance
  • Harbors only spawn on mainland
  • Bushes hide when building on top of them
  • Poker players are no longer obliged to show their hand at the end of the round unless they're the winner in a showdown. Anyone can optionally show their hand by pressing R
  • It's not possible to still see what cards you had after you've folded
  • Can now use gestures while mounted (with some exceptions)
  • Restored 3rd person feedback when a player is alt looking
  • Improved tree and bush billboards
  • Improved visuals for fallen logs and wood stump pickups
  • Improved contact shadows settings, enabling will no longer create black outlines around grass


  • Updated colliders of large hero trees in the swamps to be more accurate, easier to build around
  • Fixed areas of the Military Tunnels not inflicting any radiation
  • Fixed several monuments sometimes being flooded
  • Fixed a large amount of stairs colliders that were stee-through but not shoot-through
  • Fixed puzzle bypasses at Trainyard
  • Fixed a large amount of 'low object quality settings' visual exploits around monuments
  • Fixed the 'red pipe of death' at Launch Site, where velocity could kill you
  • Fixed Launch Site south puzzle door exploit
  • Fixed exploit where you could jump inside vents at various monuments to gain peak advantage
  • Fixed some props that allowed exploitable one way shooting (oilrig in particular)
  • Fixed getting stuck inside Outpost/Compound decor by the way of roofs
  • Fixed an issue whereby dropping items on the floor in Water Treatment Plant would not let you pick them up
  • Fixed an exploit at Water Treatment Plant allowing to skip green card puzzle steps
  • Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues around Water Treatment Plant sewer tunnels
  • Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues inside Launch Site tunnels happenning on certain seeds
  • Fixed exploits at both oilrigs whereby players would swim up pipes to gain advantage
  • Fixed being unable to harvest trees around some monuments
  • Fixed Giant Excavator mining the wrong resource when mining Metal Fragments
  • Fixed dropped items falling into Bandit Camp shop keepers cabins
  • Roadside props LOD distances now cull later, preventing revealing players hiding behind them
  • Extended cover props LOD distances at Airfield to ensure players remain hidden behind them
  • Various fixes for poker gameplay
  • Electrical counter font size now scales smaller when the number doesn't fit
  • When dismounting the Work Cart train seat, sometimes the player's view angle would be incorrect. This is now fixed
  • Fixed horse trough sometimes not affecting decay time when a horse eats from it
  • Fixed belt items sometimes being visible in a players hand even if the item wasn't equipped
  • Fixed tree billboards sometimes getting stuck and sticking around forever
  • Fixed first person lights/particle effects still being visible when gesturing


  • Unity 2019.4.22 upgrade
  • Added Added Poker Tables to Bandit Town
  • Hapis Island: Added Poker Tables to Compound
  • Added Gesture wheel (B)
  • Added option to hide blood


  • Re-enabled graphics jobs on macOS
  • Re-enabled incremental garbage collector on macOS
  • Improved Work Cart seating pose, and player can now be seen looking around
  • Hapis Island: Red keycards now more widely accessible from all corners of the map.
  • Hapis - Added a marketplace
  • Hapis - Added gambling den
  • Reduced cloth harvest yield from NPC corpses
  • New Admin command "teleport2death"
  • Enabled Easter Event
  • News section now displays the full content of the blogs
  • L96 Skinnable
  • Heavy armor now prevents mounting of horses due to weight limitations
  • Tightened up recoil response on revolver/sap including animations
  • Reduced hostile duration for players hit by peacekeeper turrets to 5 from 30
  • Vehicles are now reposessed after 5 minutes instead of 2
  • Team mates can now enter vehicles purchased in a safe zone without the vehicle owner needing to first depart


  • We now reset the player's view angles when dismounting, so the next time the player mounts something their view angle is back at the default for that mountable instead of at their last viewpoint
  • Hapis Island: Seating positions near the gambling wheel are now properly aligned
  • Hapis Island: Fixed some non-destroyable roadsigns
  • Fixed Viewmodel Jitter
  • Fixed projectiles fired at players joints not impacting


  • Removed horsegang


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